Hibagọn is a Stoner Metal Band from Bergamo, Italy
The members are:
Jᾇbo - kaboom voodoo sticks
Doᾧi - shaga massive strings
Hibagọn is an amazing Stoner Metal Band that you need to hear right now. Plain and Simple this band fucking rocks big time.
They have just released their highly original and excellent new album - Hibagọn VS Monsters Spewed from Time’s Stomach to Clutch the Universe in a Mortal Slime
These guys are really hard to compare against other bands. They are a very original band. They add a cool Experimental Rock vibe to their music.
I suppose you could say they are like Karma To Burn but with a more way out there experimental Space Rock edge.
All of the songs have brilliant titles to them such as "Pirates Of The Red Dune", "Zombies From Outer Space" and my fave track "Silent Assault of the Killer Diplodocus"
The album cover should tell you what to expect. Something totally different in the realm of Stoner Rock/Metal.
For a two man band these guys get very loud at times but also they incorporate some cool Funk Rock vibes as well.
Look take it from me this band is brilliant. And the album is something you need to hear right now. The whole world needs to know about Hibagọn and their take on experimental Stoner Rock/Metal.
What is even better the guys are giving this amazing release for free on BandCamp right now. So headover there now and get downloading. Highly Recommended.
Check This Excellent Band Below:
Check Out The Excellent and Very Weird track - Silent Assault of the Killer Diplodocus