May 2015
Penberthy - guitar/vocals
Donoughue - guitar
Macfie - bass guitar
Orr - drums
Holy Serpent
Shroom Doom
Fools Gold
The Plague
The Wind
Daaamn! Where have
these guys been hiding? A brand new acquaintance to me, Holy Serpent
from Melbourne, Australia are phenomenal! Not knowing what to expect
when I pressed play, The album blew me away completely. Fuzzed out, trippy and low end heaviness
emantes from the speakers, engulfing me in a wonderful trance. Going
slow and for emotions, Holy Serpent can add another disciple in their
physchedelic quest for world domination. Each spin bring out more and
more, leaving me flabbergasted at how they can put so many angles
into their songs without suffocating the music. Because the music
flows so naturally and with such ease that I'm left speechless....and
that's a damned good thing!
Breaking free from
the tonguetiedness, 'Holy Serpent'
starts the proceedings of annihilating yours truly. Brilliant
Iommi-esque riffs flies at me before guitarist Scott's reverbed voice
begin to soar above the music. Everything flows elegantly between
jam sessions and full onslaught and you can't ask for
more...especially not with an album opener. The title follows next
and certainly lives up to it's name. Slow, punishing and trippy, it's
just like you have ingested handfulls of magic caps. The visions man,
the visions. Eerie and forlorn at first, 'Fools
Gold' becomes led-heavy after about a minute
where the bass guitar and drums keeps the beat perfectly. Despite the
gradually increased heaviness the song never gets fast and that's
great. To me it would be weird if Holy Serpent hit warp speed, they
should remain slow and goddamned heavy, you hear!
'The Plague' is
up next and man, it's like a young Black Sabbath has re-emerged in
2015. Don't get me wrong, this is no copycat thing at all. On the
contrary, it's the perfect homage to the doomfathers. Bottom-heavy,
psyched out and absolutely amazing, this song is a one-of-a-kind
indeed...and it's my favourite tune on the album. Oh, did I forget to
tell you that it's trippy as hell! Reverb and riffs launches the
album-closer 'The Wind'.
Let your hair hang down, hit the bong and loose yourself in this
colourful space journey. I'm there already floating through some
amazing visions and unheard of worlds.
Musically 2015 has
been fantastic so far and Holy Serpent keeps that trend going.
Regardless what music we're talking about, if a new album is this
damned good just keep it going. We, musicians and fans alike, need
inspirations like this album because they push the limit in a way few can. So everybody, take heed
of these Australians....they are my new favourites!
Thanks to Richard at Sheltered
Life PR. Holy Serpent- S/T will be available on CD/DD/Vinyl from RidingEasy Records.
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