Scott Holmes is a Post-Rock/Alternative Rock Musician From Scotland.
Scott plays a great hybrid of Post-Rock/Alt-Rock Music to stunning effect. He is one hugely talented individual. If your into Pelican, Russian Circles and Mono then you will hugely admire Scott's music. As it's very passionate and heart-felt from the word go.
His Facebook Bio should tell you what you need to know
"Born in Dundee, Scotland in the year 1985. From a small but inspirational fishing town by the name Arbroath. I was brought up with music around me, my father used to play guitar and various other instruments around the house constantly so I guess I was musically tuned as a kid. He unfortunately passed away when I was 12 years old. Leaving all his instruments behind I thought I would pick them up and teach myself. Keeping in mind, it was always my father dream to pursue a career in music. I was never really one for learning other peoples music, rather I would just mess around with different tunings and hit notes that sounded very ambient to the ear. As I got older I stumbled across the genre Post-Rock. Immediately I was blown away, this was the genre for me. So ever since I have been churning out all these idea's and found a real peace with it. As I progress I will introduce new instruments and have videos to my songs. I'm very excited and my future, also very grateful for the fans and feedback. You guy's Rock!"
Scott is going to be releasing his debut album "We Used To Paint Stars In The Sky" in March 2012. You can hear a couple of tracks on his BandCamp Page or his ReverbNation Page.
Scott mixes superb Post-Rock atmospherics mixed with great Alternative Rock vibes to give you a truly haunting and sometimes beautiful atmosphere.
Check out superb tracks "We Used To Paint Stars In The Sky", "Levels Of Greatness" and "Signals". These all show what a great musician Scott actually is. And he deserves some of your time to check out.
Great work Scott. Cant wait to hear the debut album when it comes out. Superb Stuff.
Highly Recommended.
Check Scott below. Let him know what you think on his Facebook Page. He will be more than happy for any feedback.