Art of Burning Water is a Sludge/Crust/Black-Metal Band from London, UK
The members are;
MIKE- drums and P.M.A
KUNAL-Sub noize
GRIEF- High noise and throat
Ex-member Steve recorded bass on this album. He deserves credit as his playing is immense.
Art Of Burning Water are one of the finest and most brutal Sludge Metal bands the UK has to offer. They have released a string of acclaimed releases over the years and have a formidable live reputation to boot as well.
I have been a fan of this great band for a few years now and was quite happy when they released their amazing new album – This Disgrace – An 8 song and 28-minute brutal assault on the senses. Art Of Burning Water have always been rooted in loud angular Sludge/Punk/Crust Driven dark riffs with some very bleak humour fused into their music as well.
This Disgrace sees the band louder and angrier like never before. If you are a fan of Swans, Neurosis and Tombs then you will find much to admire here. The album never lets up from the first song – You Won’t Know Till You’ve Cried – A 6 minute formidable assault on the senses. Put this song on full blast and be prepared to be blown away into oblivion.
For a 3-man band, these guys love playing their instruments at full blast. Vocalist/Guitarist Grief – is a man possessed from start to finish. Shouting lyrics to you at machine gun fire delivery and with near perfect accuracy as well.
Other great songs to check out are – We Failed, Since His Collapse and It Didn’t Get Any Better. They all show how creative this band can be with everything at their disposal. Their instruments feel like finely tuned weapons of mass destruction and they get the job done. No questions asked.
This is a battle to the finish and for survival. It might not be the longest album around but it is one of the most powerful you will listen to this year. It is expertly produced and has a great punk DIY vibe, which displays the bands talents for all things bleak and dark to great effect.
Art Of Burning Water are truly a force to be reckoned with and these guys should be mentioned in the same breath as such legendary UK Sludge Metal bands as Fudge Tunnel, TAINT and Iron Monkey. Long may they continue to release more brilliant albums like this. The UK Sludge Metal scene needs bands like Art Of Burning Water to show them the new breed what proper bleak Sludge Metal is all about.
Immense and Highly Recommended.
You can buy This Disgrace on Digital Download and Vinyl from Superfi Records BandCamp Page.
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