The members are:
Honkey Head (Paul Gillis) - Synths/Vocals/Samples/Programming.
BH Honkey (Adam Smith) - Drums.
Hobbs (Gabe Grosso) - Guitar.
Brown Honkey (Ian Brown) - Bass.
I know I am bit late coming to the party in reviewing this album from 2012. But better late than never. So what we have here is Drug Honkey's 4th full length album - Ghost In The Fire. It has won some acclaim within the Sludge/Doom/Death Metal Scene and it's not hard to see why.
It's a 51 minute ride into the darker depths of Hell itself. The album is one complete head-fuck trip and I mean that in the best possible way. There is not a band on the planet like Drug Honkey. They mix electronica style ambient passages with brutal Death/Doom/Sludge Metal carnage and it makes for one nightmarish journey.
If you ever wondered what going cold turkey is like after endless years of substance abuse then this album will give you those answers. Drug Honkey prey on mankind's worst fears and nightmares and this is the brutal result. Tracks such as Ghost In The Fire, In Black Robe and Five Years Up show the band are more dangerous and deadly as ever. Even after being a band for 15 years or so. OK maybe 13 years when this album was released in 2012.
I should of reviewed this album back in 2012 when it came out but I was never given the chance to. As I am huge fan of their 2005 album - Hail Satan and 2008 album - Death Dub. Ghost In The Fire takes the nightmarish vibes of those two albums and makes the sound that ever more disturbing.
The industrial/electronic tones are matched perfectly to the slow-paced Sludge/Doom/Death Metal riffs that are lurking in the background. Ghost In The Fire is the perfect head-fuck soundtrack to all you David Lynch fans. As Drug Honkey offer something different to everyone else. It's a world that is very hard to understand and maybe that's the magic of this brilliant album and band. We are not supposed to as somethings are left better unexplained.
A truly fucked-up masterpiece for all fans of extreme metal.
Excellent and Highly Recommended.
Thanks to Kunal Cholski at Transcending Obscurity for sending me a much welcome belated promo. Ghost In The Fire is available to buy now from Drug Honkey BandCamp Page.
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