on Sludgelord, I am interviewing a R.O.A.D who impressed here at
Sludgelord HQ with their stunning S/T debut with it's style of good
old fashioned hard rocking riffs and Stoner Rock vibes.
you're a fan of Motorhead, AC/DC, Corrosion of Conformity, or of the
likes you are going to love R.O.A.D. Just look at the track listing
and imagine those song titles completely brought to life. It's one of
those records, you know? Really deep and emotional on a rock and roll
fantasy type wavelength. It plays through fairly quickly at 37
minutes on 8 songs, which is just about right. Perfect soundtrack to
smoke a cigarette, down a couple or three beers, and shoot a game of
pool in the local hole in the wall saloon.”
debut album is about to be released on Vinyl through our good friends
at Sunruin Records who released the brilliant Wheelfall debut album –
Interzone. But this is all about R.O.A.D.
I am glad to say that these party loving hard rocking riff maestros
are going to talk to us here at Sludgelord HQ
– Hi guys. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you today.
Thanks to talking to us at Sludgelord HQ.
Joss: Hello. Thank YOU
for the interview and for the great album review!!! We're fine, we're
preparing our release party! It will be on 12th february. Will be

– Can you give our readers a brief history of how the band came
about and where it is today.
course. It's a chaotic history! With the former members, pete and
mickael, we met on 2006 at Music Academy International, a prestigious
music school in Nancy. We rehearsed for half a year and did a few
gigs but
I had to tour with other bands to earn money! A couple of years later
I asked my bandmates if they were O.K to record our songs. And they
were. We recorded the song and while mixing the album the studio
has literally burned! The
tapes were safe but it took more than a year to finish the album.
After that, Pete and Mickael left the band so i was alone in the band
with a debut album! I sent it to many many labels and booking
agencies But
I had no or negative answers. Until Sunruin records! We met a few
years ago and we played for their "whellfall's interzone"release
party with our new lineup. They knew we were looking for a label so
we talked and agreed! Here's the album, now we can start to work!!!!
– So. Lets start off with your sound. How would you describe your
sound. As you guys include a lot of different styles. And from a lot
of different decades as well.
listen a lot of different musics and when we write a new song it's
like : "Hey, this sounds good? Yeah? Cool". We're
open-minded and it doesn't matter if it's "stoner", "hard
rock", "Death metal" or “trash metal”..... We play
Rock n'Roll!!!!
– Which bands and artists influenced you all as musicians.
So many!!!!! From Bob Marley to Mayhem......and I'm not joking!!!

– What made you decide to become a musician. Any particular band or
life changing event.
Joss: We were born
musicians. Some life events turned us into rockers......
– Where does the name R.O.A.D. come from. Any particular meaning
behind it. Though I do love your original name for the band – Pussy
Destroyer. Has a certain charm around it. HA HA.
R.O.A.D is for Return Of A Difference. Pussy destroyers was a cool
name but i needed to have a new one with the new lineup. And a more
sober one, haha!!!!!
– Was your debut album an easy album to write and record for.
Sounds like you had as much fun making it as we did listening to it.
Was that your intention to release a good old fashioned hard rock
Joss: We just wanted to
do a good and simple album. We wrote it very quickly!

– How did you guys hook up with Sunruin Records. Great label to
release your first album with and on vinyl as well.
met the wheelfall's drummer, nico, in the music school where i teach
guitar. He was a student. When he came in wheelfall i met the whole
band. Few month after nico told me that they had created a label to
relaese their first album. So I told them about R.O.A.D.....but
unfortunately they didn't have the money release our debut album. I
had to wait a few month and fab called me back!
– I am a huge fan of the French Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal scene.
Thanks to bands such as Drawers, Wheelfall, Los Disidentes Del Sucio
Motel, Crown and many more that I have forgotten. What is the Stoner
Rock scene like in France at the moment. Do you get many
opportunities to play gigs or do you have to travel abroad to perform
Joss: In fact we don't
really perform regulary, we are currently looking for a good booking
– What is the songwriting process in the band. Is it a group
process or is it down to one individual.
Joss. Usually I bring
the songs and we finalize them while rehearsing.
– In 5 words or less what is the live R.O.A.D. experience like
Strenght, honesty,
blood, sweat, tears, haha!
– We are massive Vinyl Heads here at Sludgelord. Are you Vinyl Fans
yourselves. As you have released your records on Vinyl in the past.
Yes, of course! It's
the best support.
- Have you toured with any famous bands or artists? If so who have
been your favorite?
We toured with
Devildriver, Loudblast and Peter Pan Speedrock. And our favorites are
definitively Peter Pan Speedrock. They are really cool guys!

- Are you guys full time musicians or do you all have regular jobs to
pay the bills.
Joss: Me and Yann are
full time musicians. Simon has a regular job.
– What is your verdict on the whole crowd-funding scene currently
going on. Are you a fan of this medium and would yourselves ever go
down this route.
Joss: Yeah, it's a good
way. Maybe we will go down this route but not now....
- What are your favorite bands around at the moment? Do you listen to
modern day rock/metal or do you just listen to the classic era of
Stoner/Doom Metal/Hard Rock.
Joss: As i said, I
listen to a lot of different musics. Now it's The black keys, Tyrant,
Nino Ferrer and Alice Cooper's Welcome to my nightmare.

– If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What helpful advice would you give them.
Work, be patient and
always believe in what you do.
– Finally, Thanks for talking to us here at Sludgelord HQ. Do you
have anything to say to your fans.
Joss: Thank you so much
for everything!!! Without you we would not exist.
guys thanks for doing this. All the best. Best of luck with your new
album. Thanks to Fabien at Sunruin Records for arranging this
Written by Steve Howe