next band I have been given the chance to interview are about to
release their brilliant début album – MONDO MAGIC – and it's a
fucking blast of insane styles and riffs.
am interviewing the awesome and mighty – SWAMP MACHINE – who is a
band you will be hearing a lot more from in the next twelve months or
signed to ace record label – When Planets Collide – Mondo Magic
is going to blow your whole world apart. It's style of Sludge,
Southern Metal, Doom, Space Rock and Stoner Metal will have you
rocking out in years to come.
We recently said this about the album.
ear canal is overflowing with 10 tons of crematory sludge. To
mitigate the damage the Swamp Machine cools down it's steamy, stony
stroke with a soothing instrumental lullaby. After one full cycle
Swamp Machine proves it's got the horsepower to manipulate the mind
and scarify the soul. Heavily tripped out southern sludge at its
finest. Welcome to the Swamp Machine..”
to the Swamp Machine indeed. Lets see what these heavy space
riffsters have to say to us here at Sludgelord HQ.
– Hi guys. Thanks for doing this. Really appreciate you talking to
us here at Sludgelord HQ. Congrats on your début album. What a
brilliant album it is.
man! You’re welcome. It turned out pretty sweet indeed!

– Can you give our readers a brief history on how your band came
about and where it is today.
you know… In the beginning we were just a bunch of stoners
listening to classic bands like Kyuss, Soundgarden, psychedelic stuff
like Pink Floyd… Started a band… Broke up… Begun a new,
heavy-er band, and there you have it! The beginning of the mighty
Swamp machine! Our hangout spot where we used to rehearse and play
jams was lying opposite to some kind of swampy lake, that’s were we
got our name from.
– So you have read our review of your album. In your own words, can
you tell people what to expect when the album is finally released.
Being worshippers of the mighty riff, off course some heavy riffing!
But we always try to throw some rhythms in the mix that are less
logical, you know, not like 1-2-3-4. Besides that we’re always
trying to create some kind of atmosphere in our songs. Like a picture
you see in a dream or a trip… Always searching for the borderlines
between fuzzed-out guitars and spacey sounds…
– Was it an easy or hard album to write and record for.
recording of the album was pretty straight-forward. We played the
basis track (guitar, bass, drums) live in one or two takes, then
filled it up with some solo’s and overdubs and of course the
vocals. That way you have the most organic feel to the songs. Maybe
there are some minor flaws but hey, that’s the way they did it back
in the seventies right? So it’s good enough for us! Its all about
the ‘feel’.

– How would yourselves describe your sound. Doom, Psychedelic,
Stoner, Heavy Rock, Southern Sludge. As you guys have included lots
of great noises and riffs to impress people with.
think you summed it up pretty much, yeah. I don’t know,
‘70’s-influenced psychedelic stoner-doom-rock. How ‘bout that!
– Are you pleased with the final version of the album that is
currently out there. Would you change anything about it.
man it’s perfect! We’re very proud. This is how we sound when we
play live, but with an extra sauce of studio-goodness poured over it!
– How did you hook-up with When Planets Collide to release your
début album.
Gareth Kelly from WPC came across some recordings we did ourselves
that were going around on the internet, and he liked it. He wanted us
to come to London to play on the Winter Warmer Weekender
(doom-stoner-sludge festival) so yeah, that’s how things started

– What is the song writing process in the band. Is it a group
collective or is it down to one individual.
all our songs evolve from jams in our rehearsal room. We put some
stuff together, write some new things, write lyrics… Sometimes a
song can be written in a few evenings; sometimes it takes a few
weeks. Aghori Ritual for example has had a lot of different shapes
before we finally decided this was how it was going to be. Skull was
much easier. That one just blasted out of our amps almost instantly.
– Which musical bands and artists influenced you as musicians.
from 70’s hard rock to stoner rock, blues, metal, doom, grunge,
psychedelia… To much to say. You know, since there are things like
the internet and Spotify, you come across so much great new music
and great new bands… Every day I hear some great new music that is
a great influence to my own playing.
– Do you have plenty of opportunities to gig around in your home
town or do you have to travel further afield to perform regular.
we come from a little village in the middle of friggin’ nowhere, so
we have to travel a lot to play. But that’s OK. As long as we can
play its all good!

– It seems the Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal Scene in The Netherlands
starting to gain a lot more exposure thanks to a certain music
festival called Roadburn. And great bands such as Komatsu,
yourselves, Menhir, Dresden/Leningrad and Monomyth to name but a few.
How is the scene in your home country. Is it thriving or could it do
with more publicity and promotion.
think the scene doing quite nice here in The Netherlands. But its
hard to get some good gigs outside of The Netherlands when you are a
beginning band. Some extra publicity and promotion is always welcome
of course. The internet plays an important role in that, too.
- What is your verdict on the whole crowd-funding scene currently
going on. Are you a fan of this medium and would yourselves ever go
down this route.
guess it works for some bands. I don’t know. We have a more
– What albums are currently rocking your world. Any recommendations
you can give to our readers.
to Om- Pilgrimage right now. Classic!

Q14 - If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What helpful advice would you give them.
mister Gareth Kelly.
Q15 – In 5 words or less what is the live SWAMP MACHINE experience
Fuzz. Energy. Sweat. Beards.
Q16 – We are massive Vinyl Heads here at Sludgelord. Are you Vinyl Fans
yourselves. Is there a chance your album maybe released on Vinyl in
the future.
off course we are lovers of the black circle. If we can get the
fundings together there will be vinyl. But its gonna take some time
(or some help from a record company)…

Q17 – What things do like or hate the most of being in a band. And what
would you do to change things if you had the chance to.
– Playing live, jamming, being creative, writing and recording
- Driving the van, dragging around equipment. Business stuff. But
we’re getting people to do that for us.
Q18 – What can people expect from Swamp Machine in 2014. Apart from the
new album obviously.
Anything exciting you like to tell your fans.
a lot of great gigs and festivals. Swamp Machine is also looking to
make a video clip. Maybe make some live-recordings or a split EP.
And... We’re trying to put a little tour together. So Ye’ be
hearing from us!

Q19 – Thanks for talking to us. Do you have anything to say to your
our CD. Take drugs. Be happy.
to Swamp Machine for talking to us here at Sludgelord HQ. Best of
luck with your new album.
Check The Band From Links Below
Written by Steve Howe