April 21st 2015
Taxi Driver Records
Tits - Track Listing
1.The Bliss Of A
Black Dawn 03:50
2.Warning Sign 04:35
3.Vultures 02:58
4.Explant 03:54
5.Surrounded By
Cowards 03:24
6.Bury You Deep
Marco Giarratana -
Michele Cigna -
Antonio Petrotta -
Francesco Borrelli -
Fascinated by a
famous type of Finnish bread called Jussipussi, four Milan-based guys
from the deep south of Italy, start jamming together in October 2013.
Seven rehearsals later, the six songs that make up Greatest Tits see
the light. And those proverbial Tits are the breasts that feed wars,
online narcissism, ruthless competition at work. In short, super
serious stuff, even though those guys from the deep south of Italy
are not that serious at all. What they would really dream of,
instead, is tasting a piece of Jussipussi and ham, surrounded by
blonde Finnish girls.
If you like
Jussipussi, you also love Queens Of The Stone Age, Mastodon, Clutch
and Red Fang. It's as simple as that.
is a band that has just came to my attention when the promo landed on
my desk. Was I intrigued by the insane name of the band or awesome EP
title? Well it could have been both as it takes a band with ralls of
steel to call themselves JussiPussi and to call their debut record -
Greatest Tits. However I was pleasantly surprised as JussiPussi play
music that's influenced by Clutch, Red Fang and Mastodon. It's an EP
that's not going to change the world but it definitely makes for an
exciting and thrilling 23 mins or so. JussiPussi play to their
musical strengths and create some good old fashioned Stoner/Sludge
Rock packed full of groove and hard hitting attitude.
guys are from Italy and it's good to see a band like this from the
Italian Sludge/Stoner Rock scene as most of the Italian bands we have
featured recently are more of the heavier side. So JussiPussi are a
breath of fresh air. Opening track - The Bliss Of A Black Dawn - is a
frantic and fast-paced Stoner Rock number with blazing guitars and
drumming coming at you from all directions. It has a slight Punk Rock
vibe that gives way to louder Stoner Riff and awesome vocals courtesy
of Marco. JussiPussi build a wall of noise for their sound to add
layers of FUZZ. It's one of the EP's strongest songs as JussiPussi
have your full attention for the remainder of the record.
Track - Warning Sign - has a more laidback vibe with Marco singing in
a reflective mood before the band venture into grungier territory
with the Sludge/Stoner Rock melodies holding everything together.
When the band lowers the volume and play quieter riffs you can't help
be moved by the great music on show.
track - Vultures - is the standout track on the album as the band
venture into Clutch/Red Fang Stoner Rock territory by blending
blazing Stoner Riffs and a great sing-along chorus as JussiPussi
impress through out. Vultures will have you singing out loud and
head-banging at the same time. It's one of those tracks you can't
help but rock out to. Simple but effective. As JussiPussi start to
show what a great band they can become if they write more of this
catchy up-tempo Sludge/Stoner Rock in the future. Marco's vocals
shine through out though it's the music that impresses the most. Yeah
definitely my fave track from the EP.
is the next track to come blazing at full volume. The guitars are the
main focus here with the drumming and vocals appearing centre stage
when the times call for it. Shades of Red Fang/Clutch appear but
that's no bad thing as JussiPussi still leave you with a huge smile
on your face. The production on the EP is superb through out as you
can feel every riff and note coming at you. The EP's final two songs
- Surrounded By Cowards and Bury You Deep - sees the band bring their
grunge influences to the front as they blast there way through a high
amount of action packed riffs with some elements of dirty fuzz giving
their sound a slight doom and gloom feel.
have released a stunning debut EP that's gonna go down a storm with
the Stoner/Sludge Rock crew. JussiPussi are definitely a band to keep
an eye out for as Greatest Tits has it all if you're a serious Stoner
Rock fan. Excellent and Highly Recommended.
To Sara at Taxi Driver Records. Greatest Tits is available to buy now
from Taxi Driver Records on CD/DD.
by Steve Howe
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