Monday 20 January 2020

ALBUM REVIEW: Acid Mammoth, "Under Acid Hoof"

By: Andrew Davie

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 24/01/2020
Label: Heavy Psych Sounds

“Under Acid Hoof” CD//DD//LP track listing

1). Them!
2). Tree Of Woe
3). Tusks Of Doom
4). Jack The Riffer
5). Under Acid Hoof
The Review:

Acid Mammoth, from Greece, delivers with their sophomore release “Under Acid Hoof”. As the title implies, listeners will be bombarded with all of the standard hallmarks of excellent doom, stoner, and sludge metal in the form of thick distorted riffs.

While Acid Mammoth has managed to capitalize on the staples of the genre, at no point is it derivative. They establish themselves as a band that will help to define the genre in the future. The album only has five tracks, but the shortest song clocks in at almost four and a half minutes. The opening track “Them!” sets the scene for what will follow: a slow tempo assault with a melodic delivery of vocals and instruments creating a landscape incorporating all the elements fans have come to expect.

Acid Mammoth has constructed a stellar album with song titles such as “Tree of Woe”, “Tusks of Doom”, and “Jack The Riffer”, which set the scene for what to expect. Acid Mammoth demonstrates both playfulness with a pun on Jack The Ripper, as well as more straightforward doom titles in “Tree of Woe” which refers to a scene from the film Conan the Barbarian. Listening to the band, one gets the sonic experience of a wooly mammoth trapped in a tar pit, as it slowly sinks into extinction.

Acid Mammoth sets the bar high with this album. I’m looking forward to more from them in the future.

“Under Acid  Hoof” is available HERE

Band info: bandcamp || facebook