Electricjezus are a Sludge/Stoner/Doom Metal Band from Russia.
The members are:
Ruslan Frolov
Oleg Skorohodov
Now all you need to know about Elecricjezus and their debut album - Грязь поколений - is they are both fucking awesome.
This is Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal of the highest order. If your into High On Fire, Sleep, Church Of Misery, Weedeater then you going to fuck the freck out over this. It's full of violent and heavy riffs from the start with excellent audio sound-bytes to heighten the mood.
This is what the band have to say for themselves.
"We’re Electricjezus, two-man band from Russia, Moscow region.
Our group consists of two people:
Our group consists of two people:
Ruslan – Vocal/guitar/bass guitar;
Oleg – drums;
but we have a feature, we combined two guitars in one by installation two pickups (single bass pickup in the neck, and humbucker in the bridge).We play a multi-faceted music, it includes a variety of styles from the fuzz rock and sludge metal to doom and hardcore.(Our songs on russian language)
This is partly due to our love for groups Melvins, Electric Wizard, Pantera, Earth, Jucifer, Today Is The Day, Sunn O))), Monarch, Slayer, Flipper, Acid Bath, Scratch Acid, Burning Witch, Dystopia, etc. We took a piece of these groups, added our surrounding reality (dirt, noise, monotony) and got our music. With this concept we played about a dozen shows in various cities including Moscow, Moscow region and St. – Petersburg.
Not so long ago we recorded an album "Mud of Generations" And now we decided to send you MP3 version of the album. Few words about the album - it was recorded entirely on analog equipment and it fully live record. Our album might sound raw and rumpled, and honestly we do not intend to fit our album to standards of music majors, we won't. We recorded the album close to reality and it sounds exactly as we sound on live performances! "
Well the album does has a raw an live feel but it works to the albums favour. It adds an eerie tension to the great riffs on show especially on excellent tracks - Корм, Грязь поколений and Все позволено.
Well the album does has a raw an live feel but it works to the albums favour. It adds an eerie tension to the great riffs on show especially on excellent tracks - Корм, Грязь поколений and Все позволено.
Seriously people this is an album you cannot pass up on. It's an excellent album from a truly talented band. If you want a creepy experience but full of superb riffs then look no further than - Electricjezus - as they will rock you the fuck out.
I loved every twisted minute of this insane 44 minute blast of amazing Sludge/Stoner Metal Riffs. It seriously is that good. You would be a fool to pass this by. So headover to BandCamp now as it's available on Pay Now Deal.
Awesome and Highly Recommended.
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