UNRU are a Black Metal/Crust Metal band from Germany
UNRU are a bleak as fuck Black Metal/Crust Metal Band that will tear your soul apart. They play music that is loud, mean and very, very fast. It gives them a furious edge to them that you will find impossible to ignore.
Their Demo MMXIII is a 11 song and 25 minute blast of superb Crust/Black Metal riffs. This is heavy from the word go and it doesn't stop until the very end.
The instruments are used as weapons of torture on this release. The vocals have a disturbing and scary edge to them. It feels that Satan has came alive to torment every living soul on the planet. That's how bleak and scary things actually get. And I loved every disturbing minute of it.
UNRU are a band who have the power and determination to re-define what we call HEAVY. This is earth-shattering metal at it's most primal. Evil has a new name - UNRU.
If you have the guts to listen to something dark and disturbing then UNRU are your band. Headover to BandCamp and download this excellent release now. It's free. But be prepared to have nightmares for days.
Excellent and Highly Recommended.
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