Lint it is a Progressive Stoner Metal Band from New South Wales, Australia
The members are:
Brad - Guitar/Backing Vox
CJ - Bass/Vox
Dave - Drums
Lint’s style of sound is a mixture of Sludge, Stoner and Shoe-gazing noise that should find them a rich fanbase amongst the Sludge/Stoner Metal crowd.
Their new album – Existence – is a 7 song and 42-minute opus which portrays a rich tapestry of noises and sound portrayed against a backdrop of epic riffs. The vocals may take a bit getting used to but it shows a band that is not afraid to defy audience expectations.
One minute Existence could be a straight up Stoner Metal album and the next it has moved into heavier fuzzier based Sludge Metal territory. The album is comprised of 4 epic tracks ranging from 7 mins to 9 mins in length and it is on these epic tracks where the album truly comes to life. As Lint, take their time building upto the heavier moments by splicing elements of Sludge, Stoner and Shoegaze style Rock into something bold and refreshing.
Wait until you hear epic tracks – Existence, The Follower and Red Static – all that should be played at very loud levels to get the full-distorted fuzzy effect that Existence contains lurking in the background. Lint is a hard band to compare against and I will admit that is only a good thing. Sure, you might be able to hear certain vibes but Lint are so clever with their music they make you feel you are listening to something highly original.
The album has a very raw appeal, which is another winning factor why ‘Existence’ needs to be checked out by you all. All the band members are on fine form through out. Laying down as many spectacular riffs as they possibly can. Existence relies heavily on the different moods contained within it.
If you are into Sludge/Stoner Metal with a twist then Existence is the album for you. It is about 70% instrumental with the other 30% being comprised of vocals and ambient noises. Lint has released a superb album that is definitely a strange and wonderful audio experience to check out.
Excellent and Highly Recommended.
Thanks to the band for sending me a promo to check out. Existence is now available to buy on BandCamp now.
Headover to BandCamp and download all of Lint's other excellent material on Buy Now Download including their excellent previous album - Ships In The Sky. A great record in it's own right.
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