Menhir is a Stoner Rock Band from Groningen, Netherlands
The members are:
Frank: Bass/Vocals
Arjan: Bass/Vocals
Sven: Drums
Menhir is a brilliant band playing Southern Metal and Stoner Rock which oozes awesomeness from start to finish.

They have released two excellent releases so far. Both available for Buy Now Download from their BandCamp Page.
2012 - Uberlith
2013 - Uberlith II
Both releases show what these Menhir do so brilliantly well. Action packed tunes played at full throttle. Remember these guys don't have a regular guitar player. They have two bassists in their line-up and it's one loud heavy fuzzed up experience you all need to hear.
Their new EP - Uberlith II - is one hard rocking affair with a strong social conscience showing the injustices in the world. It can get be hard-hitting at times but that's what makes Menhir such a brilliant band to check out.
I am becoming quite a fan of the Dutch Stoner Rock scene thanks to bands such as Monomyth, Dresden/Leningrad, Komatsu and now Menhir. The Dutch Stoner Rock/Metal scene aren't afraid to take risks and be different to other bands. And that is the same with Menhir.
You need to download Uberlith II now as it's a highly important release from the Dutch Stoner Rock scene. It's powerful, dangerous and has enough riffs to kickstart a revolution.
A fucking brilliant release from a truly important band. Menhir have the potential to be huge when they release their debut full length record. Believe me folks when I say download both of these excellent EP's now. You won't be sorry.
My fave track has to be Mt Aloha from Uberlith II as it shows how dangerous Menhir can actually be while still providing loads of great Stoner Rock riffs to head-bang to.
WOW!!! - Download this now.
Brilliant and Highly Recommended.
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