Now on Sludgelord it is
my honour to be interviewing Andrew Arnold. The brilliant One-Man
Sludge/Post-Metal crew known as DETERIOR
I have been a fan of
Andrew's alter ego Deterior for a number of years now. I always get
excited when he releases a new album. As each album is better than
the last. Andrew learns from his mistakes from previous releases and
one that turns him into a better musician.
Deterior's latest album
– Torchbearer – is quite possibly his finest work yet. It's a
dark and brooding experience that you should all check out now.
I have featured
Deterior's work a few times now. So it's about time I find out more
information about this brilliant musician. And that time is now.
Ladies and Gentleman –
Q1 – Hi Andrew. How are things
with you today. Thanks for doing this. Really happy you agreed to do
this. Been a fan of yours for a very long.
Thanks, I'm well. Been following Sludgelord for a while now and I'm very happy to be here.
Q2 – Can you give people a brief history on how you came involved with music.
been a fan of music all my life, and have a pretty musical family; most
notably, my dad has been in a few bar bands and my cousin has been in a
couple well-known punk bands. I played various instruments in the
school band (both orchestral and jazz, believe it or not). I first
started writing my own stuff in early high school, really bad cheesy
metal (we all have to start somewhere), but never had anything polished
enough to release for several years.
Q3 – When did you decide to publish your music to
the world. That must have been a daunting task for you to do. Possibly
fear of rejection or criticism.
put out my first release, the debut Deterior EP, back in 2007. It's
true that I was a bit afraid of rejection, but I figured I didn't have
anything to lose! It helped that I showed it to a few friends beforehand
to get some criticism, which helped. Plus, hardly anybody even heard it
when it came out.
Q4 – Your
involved with a whole range of genres. Black Metal, Grind, Experimental
and Sludge/Post-Metal. Is it hard to devote your time to all those
genres or does focusing one area of music not your style.
I usually focus
on just one thing at a time. Deterior has evolved through several
different styles but I try to not go crazy and do all sorts of things at
once. I started out emulating the post-rock and sludge bands I was a
fan of at the time (mostly Isis, Rosetta, etc.) and what I write usually
simply reflects the kind of stuff I'm into at the time.

Q5 – Now as you know I am a huge fan of your Deterior alter-ego. How did that one came about and where did the name came from.
created Deterior simply to have a name for the music I wanted to one
day release; nothing special. Godspeed You! Black Emperor was my
all-time favorite band in high school (you could say they still are).
Their apocryphal first cassette tape had a few tracks on it titled
"Deterior 23", "Deterior 17", and "Deterior Three". I pulled the name
from there. I got pretty lucky, I still think it's a great name,
evocative of the kind of doomy, oppressive atmospheres I try to create
in my music.
Q6 – How would you describe Deterior's music.
of it has always been some kind of sludge metal, obviously, since
sludge has been my favorite genre for a long time now, and I like to
experiment with different variations on that. My last album Torchbearer,
for example, has a lot of black metal influence, simply because I have
been into black metal for a long time and wanted to try to incorporate
that into my own music. It fits well since I like to try to write music
that's dark and oppressive.
Q7 – Which bands and artists have influenced you as a musician.
the standard atmospheric-sludge-metal bands, of course; Isis, Cult of
Luna, and Rosetta are the big three. And, as I mentioned, Godspeed for
the post-rock side and experimental noise/sampling stuff. Lots of times
when I go to shows I usually see or hear the band do something and think
to myself, "Wow, that'd be cool if I did that in my own music!" So just
about everything I listen to influences my own writing, but mostly
other metal and punk music.
Q8 – Are you a full time musician or do you have a regular job to pay the bills.
have a full-time regular boring desk job as a software developer. Music
has always been a side project and a hobby. I'm kind of amazed that I
manage to find the time to work on music sometimes, especially since I
was so busy a couple years ago when I was in college full-time, had a
part-time job, AND wrote music.

Q9 – Are your family and friends supportive of your music.
as much as you might think! They all know about it, but I don't think
most of them particularly care (probably because it's not the kind of
music any of them like). There is the one exception of my girlfriend,
who I turn to for advice on my songwriting and mixes. She even made a
brief guest appearance on a cover song I did some time ago.
Q10 – Now you record everything by yourself. Which instruments do you play. And what is your most favourite instrument to use.
play bass guitar, regular guitar, and do vocals. Drums are programmed
because I don't own my own kit and, although I know how to play the
drums, I'm not very good. I think regular guitar might be my favorite
because there's so much you can do with it; bass is good too though
since it's what I started on and it's still very fun to play.
– How do you decide on which musical project to start next. Do you
write ideas down and then decide that is a Deterior project or another
side project like your Drone/Noise/Black Metal alter egos. Though it's
been a while since you have released some of your other projects.
I always know
ahead of time. Basically, if it's anything metal-related, it's Deterior.
If it's more on the noise/experimental side, I just put it out under my
own name. It's true I've been ignoring that project for a while, but I
might work on something new soon.
![Replicant [single] cover art](http://f0.bcbits.com/img/a1328861679_2.jpg)
Q12 – Do you have any additional help in the studio when recording your material or is everything done by yourself.
do everything by myself. As I mentioned before, occasionally I'll get
the opinions of one or two other people about my mixes. It's not a
system I'd recommend, though! When you do everything yourself, there's a
lot of mistakes that are easy to miss.
Q13 – You setup your label – GarageMonkey Productions a while back. Do you still participate in that project.
actually didn't start GarageMonkey Productions; it was created by some
friends of mine in high school for some video projects we worked on.
Anyway, I don't update its blog anymore. Nowadays it's just a name to
attach to anything I release. Record labels are pretty obsolete nowadays
anyway since self-publishing on the Internet is so easy to do.
– Have you been pleased with the responses your music has received so
far. You do have a few fans within the Sludge Metal world.
I've been very pleased. The response to my music has always been
supportive, if not positive, so people either like it or are farily and
politely critical. Either way, it's good for me; I take the criticisms
to heart and try to improve for the next time. It's also a pleasant
surprise as to how many people have heard of Deterior considering that I
don't tour and don't do much promotion at all... that's the power of
the Internet, I guess.

Q15 – What are your favourite bands around at the
moment. Do you listen to modern day rock/metal or do you just listen to
the classic era of Stoner/Sludge/Doom Metal.
I try not to limit myself to one or the other, I mostly listen to
modern-day rock; the "classics" have never really appealed that much to
me. It's good to know where the style came from, but I am more
interested in where it's going!
– What are the most and least rewarding aspects of releasing and
recording music as a solo artist. Possibly the expense of it all can be
classed as a negative aspect.
the expense isn't as bad as you might think. Since I don't have to pay
for studio time or anything like that, my only expenses are guitar
strings. And the new guitar I bought two years ago. Since I have a
regular job, it evens out. Anyway, like I mentioned before, the most
rewarding part to me is knowing that something I put tons of time and
thought into is appreciated by others. On the other hand, there's no one
to share it with.
Q17 - Are you fans of any other one-man metal
projects like Judd Madden, Cloudkicker and Diamenson X. Are you aware of
their music or any other projects like that.
those three, I've only heard of Cloudkicker and I'm definitely a fan of
his stuff (fun fact, he's from the same city as I am). Other than that,
I don't go out of my way to listen to one-man bands (most of them
aren't that great... hypocritical of me to say, maybe, but it's true). - (Sludgelord Note - Folks I am a fan of both Judd Madden and Diamenson X).

– Has BandCamp been a big help of getting your music across. It did for
me when I came across you guys. Then I read about your recent EP being
is one of the best things that's happened for independent music in
general. It makes it so easy to publish your music and get easy
exposure. For me personally, I know there are now hundreds of people who
have listened to my music that would never have heard of it otherwise.
It's a really good feeling to see those numbers go up and know that
people enjoy something you created so much.
Q19 – What are
you views of record companies shutting blogs and websites down due to
illegal downloading. Some people have a very different opinion on this.
used to use those blogs all the time, so at first I was upset about the
good ones all getting shut down. But since then I've learned that it's
really not a bad thing. With Bandcamp, Spotify, and similar services,
it's easier and cheaper than ever to find and get good music.
– What do you think of bands and musicians using sites like Kickstart
and Indiegogo to help raise funds to record their next release. Would
you yourself ever go down this route.
If it works for them, go for
it. Personally I've always been suspicious about paying upfront for the
promise of things that don't exist yet, be it music, movies, games, etc.
Since my own production costs are so low, I don't think I'll ever need
to participate in anything like that.
– So what are you currently listening to on your MP3 Player. Any album
that is starting to rock your world big time. Any albums your too
ashamed to admit to liking and listening to.
As far as sludge goes,
there's this Australian band called Islands that put out an awesome
album last year. I've also been digging a new black metal band called
Vuyvr; real raw, classic stuff. My biggest indulgence lately, though, is
the modern emo scene, bands like Arrows in Her, Old Gray, Have Mercy,
etc. It's such good stuff and I can't get enough!
Q22 – So what are your future plans for the next 12 months or so. Anything exciting we should be looking forward to.
not sure... usually I don't plan out my music in advance, but I'm
thinking about playing around with some noise/experimental stuff in the
coming months and MAYBE starting to write a new Deterior album later
this year. But that's a big maybe.
Q23 – Finally do you have anything to say to our readers.
Thanks for listening and for all your support!
Thanks to Andrew for talking to us. Great guy and hell of a musician. If you haven't checked his work out. Do it now.