Blastronaut is a Stoner Metal Band from Manchester, UK
The members are:
Chris Whitehouse - Vocals
Matt Webb - Drums
Nathan Mallon - Guitar / Vocals
Ben Roberts - Guitar
Kit Rogers - Bass
Blastronaut is a band who we have featured before when we checked out their demo in 2012. It made us fans of this great band. I have been waiting for their eagerly awaited debut album for a while now.
Well the guys have finally released their excellent debut album – Burning Mother. 54 minutes of finely tuned Stoner Metal riffs. It may not be the most original of sounds but when it sounds this good I do not really care. The band gets things off to a blistering start with Bullet Hoof – showing what this band is all about. Loud, heavy stoner metal riffs to rock out to. Taking influence from Clutch, Fu Manchu and Orange Goblin. This is a band who you do not mess with.
Vocalist Chris is on fine form through out. Singing his heart out with an almighty battle cry. OK his vocals might take a bit of getting used to. But you can tell Chris has seen it all. He is telling you of his epic battles, superbly aided along by his Blastronaut brotherhood who know a thing or two laying down a mighty fine riff.
Carnage In Carthage and Choke are both heavy slabs of Stoner Metal that the UK is becoming quite famous for. Played at maximum level through out with blazing riffs coming at you from all corners. This is proper music with a dangerous edge. The band have written some excellent lyrics to match the great riffs especially on Welcome Disturbance, which prove Blastronaut have some serious talent at their disposal.
There is not one bad track amongst the 10 tracks on offer here. You can tell Blastronaut have put their heart and soul into this album as it feels like a classic greatest hits package than their debut album. Especially when the band have written superb tracks such as Sugar Lips and Down River. Probably two of the albums best tracks as they both have a haunting atmosphere that soon get under your skin.
The instrumental work is immense through out to prove Blastronaut know how to play a mean riff. Especially on the second half of the album where the guys go into overdrive playing as many great riffs as possible. It is a relentless journey but one you never want to end. Synthetic Sun is another highlight with Chris once again on majestic form.
Blastronaut deserve credit for the intricate tones and melodies they have created to entertain the listener with. It’s an action packed album you will be listening to in the months to come.
My final thoughts on the album is Blastronaut have delivered an excellent heavy pounding stoner metal album that will win them a lot of praise within the Stoner Metal community. Plus the UK have another brilliant Stoner Metal band to be proud of.
Excellent and Highly Recommended.
You can buy Burning Mother from BandCamp now. Thanks to the guys for sending me a copy to review.
Check The Band From Link Below.