Mu Cephei is a Doom/Stoner/Sludge Metal Band from Ireland
The members are:
Rob - Guitars/Vocals
Colm - Guitars
Steve - Drums
Mu Cephei are a superb down-tempo Psych Doom/Stoner/Sludge Metal band to get your teeth stuck into. Their excellent S/T demo is a heavy atmospheric affair running for around 37 mins or so.
Mu Cephei play epic, heavy, slow and hazy riffs that Electric Wizard are masters at. It's very bleak from the word go but it will instantly get under your skin. Check out the excellent first track - ilyushin - which runs for an epic 10 minutes or so. It's full of slow-paced riffs and doomish hollow vocals to crank up the tension.
It's a good job this demo is on for 37 mins or so as Mu Cephei have plenty of time to show off their immense talent. These riff-slaying nibsters will have you hooked in no time at all. My advice for any brave listeners wanting to listen to Mu Cephei is simple - Plug In, Press Play, And let the riffs take over your entire being. Mu Cephei are a very powerful band indeed.
The other 3 tracks - Dead Bare, Ooze and Vacuum Phase Transistion - are all expertly crafted slices of Psych Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal carnage. Seriously if you're a fan of Electric Wizard then you're going to fucking crazy over Mu Cephei. As they play the same style of droned out fuzzed up psych based Sludge/Stoner Metal riffs.
What more can I say. This demo release is fucking excellent. So headover to BandCamp and download this now. It's available on Buy Now Download. You won't be sorry.
Superb and Highly Recommended.
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