Today on Sludgelord I am interviewing GALVANO. The superb Swedish Sludge Metallers who have just released their brilliant début album – TWO TITANS on ace record label – Devouter Records. And one I have just reviewed today.
TWO TITANS is a must for any self-respecting Sludge Metal Fan as it crushes everything in it's wake.
Well the guys have kindly agreed an interview with me.
Q1 – Hi Guys. Firstly, thanks for doing this and taking the time to talk to us at Sludgelord. We really appreciate it and are massive fans of your music.
Hi Steve, no problem and thanks for taking interest in our band.

Q2 – For People not in the know – Can you tell them how the band came about, When you formed etc...
Fredrik and I have known each other since we were kids, playing in the same hockey team and both of us have always had huge passion for music. To make a long story short, we both moved to Gothenburg around 19 years of age. We started to hang out after a few years, mostly drinking beer and listening to music with mutual friends. After countless late and drunken nights talking about doing something together musically we finally ended up in a rehearsal room together with another friend who had previously played bass in a band with me. Basically we just fucked around not really knowing what we wanted to do except that it was going to be heavy. After a while that guy on bass quit and moved back home and we got another bass player. This was around 2005 and we started to develop our musical path. Since then we have gone through a few more bass players and developed what we think is our own sound and approach.
Q3 – How would yourselves describe your sound.
Well, we try to keep things interesting. We love to get heavy but also try to go through different emotional states. Working with dynamics as a two piece is challenging but really fucking exciting.
Q4 – Which bands influence you on your music.
Probably everything we listen to in one way or another but to name a few, Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath are huge influences. The Melvins also. We listen to so much different stuff and my guess is that it all goes in there in some form or another.

We both have jobs, we are not making any kind of money from the band that would allow us to focus on that alone. Unfortunately.
Q6 – What is the song-writing process like in the band. Is it a whole band collective or individuals that write the music.
I come up with riffs and arrangements and Fredrik the drum parts. Then we jam out and do what ever changes we think is necessary. Sometimes stuff gets added or removed. We jam together a lot still, we’ve always loved jamming together.
Q7 – Now your début album has been a long time coming. I bet your glad that it's finally done and out there for people to hear at last.
No doubt, it’s awesome. Putting out a debut album on 2X LP is just too good to be true. Getting good feedback on it is just amazing also. It’s impossible to know how people will react on it when you’re two dudes locked up in a room.

Q8 – Do you gig a lot in your home town and country or do you have to travel further afield to play gigs.
You know, we’ve always had a hard time booking shows in Sweden for some reason. I don’t know why, it’s just the way it is. We’ve been fortunate enough to do a few tours in Europe though. Without having a proper album out. Hopefully we’ll be able to do some Swedish shows supporting this album.
Q9 – Have you toured with any famous bands or do you have any interesting stories from tour.
We have some awesome memories from our last Euro tour where we did 19 shows in 21 days. Everything from playing Serbia and being treated with a killer stew that had been cooking for hours on open fire out back of the venue, to playing a packed club in Berlin opening up for Black Breath. Or having a day off in beautiful Tuscany Italy.
Q10 – Are your family and friends supportive of your music.
Very much so.

Q11 – What are your favourite bands around at the moment. Do you listen to modern day rock/metal or do you just listen to the classic era of Stoner Rock/Hard Rock
Like I said before we listen to so much different stuff, not just metal.
At the moment I think what Pallbearer are doing is very very good. I dig Rwake a lot. Huge longtime fan of Yob. Goblin, John Barry gets a lot of playtime as well, Dissection and Kreator too. Fredrik is a big fan of John Spencer Blues Explosion and PJ Harvey.
Q12 – Your releasing your début album on Devouter Records who we are massive fans of. How did you guys hook up with them.
Phil, founder of Devouter contacted me and asked if we were interested in releasing a record with him. A few emails back and forth and it was a deal. He’s been amazing throughout the whole process and we’re very glad this is happening.

Q13 – Your very loud for a duo. I expect this kind of sound from a four man band not a two man band. How did you get that loud sound. Very impressive.
Thank you. We recorded in Bohus Sound Studios just outside Gothenburg.
I run my signal into a 74 Sunn Model T sitting on a full stack and also through an Ampeg SVT3 Pro sitting on a 8x10. Fredrik has a big drum kit and hits harder than anyone I know. Loud gets us in the mood.
Q14 – What are your views of blogs such as the Sludgelord reviewing your records, as opposed to mainstream music magazines? - How has the mainstream coverage been like for your music.
We have the deepest respect for people taking their time to listen to our music. We only have so much time here on earth and if you want to spend some of it listening to something we’ve created, that’s fantastic. When people like you guys also help spreading the word we couldn’t be more thankful.
So far we haven’t had much mainstream coverage though we are set to be featured in the November issue of Terrorizer and we will appear with a song on their included free cd.

Q15 – What were your original aims and dreams for the band and have they been fully met yet.
Releasing a record is any bands dream and that is now happening for us, we couldn’t be happier.
Q16 – What are your future plans for the upcoming 12 months or so. Anything we should be excited about.
We hope to play as much as possible. I have a wife and a son and another baby on the way so it’ll take some planning but we will tour this record as much as we possibly can! We’ll also continue writing music for another album.
Q17 – Finally, Do you have anything to say your fans
Pick up the album and come hang with us on tour through Europe in the beginning of December. Dates are posted on our facebook page.
Well guys thanks for doing this. Good luck with the Vinyl Release. Already bought my copy. We are big fans here at Sludgelord. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the support!
Well I made it through an interviewing another Swedish Sludge Metal Band and not asking the question – How does Sweden have so many brilliant Sludge/Stoner/Post-Metal bands. Maybe next time folks!!!