Album Type: Full Length
Date Released:
April 2014
You've Worn
Out Your Welcome - track listing:
1.You've Worn Out
Your Welcome 06:52
2.A Photograph of
Lions 04:38
3.The Politics of
Dying 06:37
4.Climbing Up the
Curtains 06:14
5.People Who Own
Horses 04:36
6.A Righteous
Offering 11:15
7.Handfed By Ghosts
Tummler and Solomon
is the heaviest, loudest band in Tacoma, WA. Fans have described
various paranormal disturbances and phenomena during performances
which seem to be of extraterrestrial origin. These phenomena fuel the
themes of Tummler and Solomon's songwriting, a conduit to the unknown
based on resonance and dynamics. They are also club sandwich
Band Members
Matt Abramson, bass
and organ
Austin Iverson,
Paul Lyon, guitar
and vocals
actually listened to Tummler and Solomon’s debut album – You’ve
Worn Out You’re Welcome – a couple months ago when it was
originally released on Bandcamp in April 2014. And it impressed the
heck out of me back then. It has taken me a couple of months to
actually go back to the album and finally review it.
album is an intelligent and thought provoking style of sounds, moods
and post-metal atmospherics. Taking influence from the usual suspects
of legendary Post-Metal bands Tummler and Solomon add a terrific
60s/70s psychedelic sound, which shines through on the excellent
opening title track – You’ve Worn Out You’re Welcome. A hazy
and sinister song with a haunting organ playing against the
Sludge/Post-Metal riffs.
band add elements of Doom and Stoner Metal to their music for heavy
and long drawn out riffs that gives the album a very addictive edge.
Tracks such as A Photograph Of Lions, The Politics Of Dying are
played at slow pace with the heavy pounding beats slowly becoming
part of your sub-conscience. Slow and creaking doom and gloom riffs
matched against some impressive heavy drumming.
vocalist Paul’s vocals may take time getting used to as he has a
distorted lo-fi style all of his own. It may put some put people off
but it is good that Paul is doing something different to all the
other Sludge/Stoner Metal singers out there. Tummler and Solomon is a
very hard band to describe. As it is very schizophrenic in nature as
the band do not fall under one major musical category. Is it Doom, Is
It Stoner, Is It Sludge, Is It Post-Metal. It all depends what mood
you are in as the album plays tricks on you at different times of the
album. Though you cannot deny the sheer volume of epic riffs the
band, have in store for you.
Worn Out You’re Welcome is a stunning debut album from this highly
talented rock collective. It’s very surreal in places but that’s
one of the albums strong points as it dares to be different. I loved
every crazy distorted minute of this. I hope Tummler and Solomon are
around for a very long time to come.
and Highly Recommended.
to Cat Jones at Southern Cross PR for sending me a copy to review.
You’ve Worn Out You’re Welcome is available to buy on DD and CD
now via BandCamp.
The Band From Links Below
by Steve Howe