Monday 21 September 2015

Tides of Sulfur / The Air Turned To Acid - “The Last Words of a Dying Planet" Split (Review)

By: Eric Crowe

Album Type: Split
Date Released: 26/08/2015
Label: Hibernacula & FHED

Both bands absolutely kill it on this split, and I’m sure a live setting with these guys would be a truly punishing experience. Can not wait to see what the future holds for these bastards!

“The Last Words of a Dying Planet” CD//DD//CS tracklisting:

1. Lord of Flies (Tides of Sulfur)
2. Crawling Through a Pit of Ash and Bone (Tides of Sulfur)
3. Disinherited (Tides of Sulfur / The Air Turned To Acid)
4. Sisyphus (The Air Turned To Acid)
5. Glandroid (The Air Turned To Acid)


Strap in and hold on for this short but amazingly filthy split! So much sludge and crust elements throughout, its downright killer! “Lord of Flies” starts out with some meaty ass guitar tone and drum-fills, but then rips right into some crusty sludge with great drive and higher range throaty vocals. Gears shift with “Crawling Through a Pit of Ash and Bone” to a slower and darker edge, but one that hits you right in the feels. Vocally this one doubles up with the Cattlepress type vocals and a heavy reverberated Crowbar vocal offering. Riding on this darkened wave for a bit, things drop off to a bass segment then smashing into a complete D-beat explosion! It ends up in half time then fading out, bringing you perfectly into a taste of the next track. “Disinherited” is a collaborative track between Tides and Acid that makes a perfect transition between the bands. It’s a dark noise ambient piece that churns so grimly with samples of Charles Bukowski’s poem “Dinosauria, We

Continuing down this path of grime and nastiness we have The Air Turned to Acid with “Sisyphus.” A mid paced dirge that really keeps the filth alive! Throaty vocals we have all come to love from the genre, Grief-like and mixed with stomach cramping screams, so perfectly fitting. The riff turns into a heavy scale and the tone reminds me of old Dystopia, ALWAYS a good thing! “Glandroid” finishes this out with more of a frenzied feel in the sound. Heavy chunks, palm muting, despairing vocals with a lot of diversity! This ending riff just keeps getting heavier and slower with every pass and even some noise and knob tweaking at the end, which makes for a damn great end to the album.

Both bands absolutely kill it on this split, and I’m sure a live setting with these guys would be a truly punishing experience. Can not wait to see what the future holds for these bastards!

“The Last Words of a Dying Planet” is available here