Wednesday 13 January 2016

Moon Curse - "Spirit Remains" (Album Review)

By: Victor Van Ommen

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 30/11/2015
Label: Bilocation Records |
Kozmik Artifactz

At 18 minutes into the record, many bands would use the next cut as a moment to experiment a little with dynamics. Moon Curse, however, opts to use their centerpiece song, “Lord of Memories,” as a vehicle that continues to bludgeon with tectonic riffing, crashing hard like the waves of the sea during a heavy storm.

“Spirit Remains” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). Beneath the Waves
2). Electric Veins
3). Lord of Memories/Spirit Remains
4). Vicious Sky
5). Witches Handbook

Moon Curse is:

Matt Leece | guitar & vocals
Matt Presutti | guitar
Rochelle Nason | bass
Keith Stendler | drums

The Review:

Fine slabs of doomy, heavy psychedelia are on offer with Moon Curse’s sophomore album “Spirit Remains.” A step in the right direction for this Wisconsin four-piece, putting on display the development they have made as song writers since their 2012 debut. Moon Curse is more confident in tone this time around, too. Albeit familiar, a thick, murky mix of heavy guitars, throaty vocals, and abrasive drums is always welcome at any hard rock hide-out, which is what Moon Curse has in tow.

Album opener “Beneath the Waves” is a slow head-banger. The gritty melodies in this song grab hold of the listener by both ears, bracing him for the invigorating vocal delivery.  Steady vocals get traded in for military guitars in “Electric Veins” before one of the two guitarists – both named Matt - breaks free into an unexpected solo during the closing moments of this sprawling jam. At 18 minutes in, many bands would use the next cut as a moment to experiment a little with dynamics. Moon Curse, however, opts to use their centerpiece song, “Lord of Memories,” as a vehicle that continues to bludgeon with tectonic riffing, crashing hard like the waves of the sea during a heavy storm. Aside from a brief, eerie acoustic trip that dissipates as quickly as it appears, Moon Curse deliver two shorter cuts, bringing the album to a fitting close. With “Vicious Sky” briefly exploring a decidedly rhythmic tangent and “Witches Handbook” making a grab for all the elements that make Moon Curse who they are, “Spirit Remains” finishes as familiar and as enjoyable as it began. 

“Spirit Remains” is available here

Band info: bandcamp | facebook