Friday 8 April 2016

Rorcal - "Creon" (Album Review)

By: Chris Bull

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 25/03/2016
Label: Halo of Flies |
Unquiet Records | Lost Pilgrim Records |
Bleak Recordings | Division Records

'Πολυνεκης' leads the way with its jagged, maelstrom of a riff, 'ντιγνη' washes over you with its 'Criminally Insane' like drum intro. Blast beats are plentiful as the hellfire riffs spew lava in every direction. The intro of 'Αμων' draws you in with its brooding, darkness before it rages violently into oblivion with nods to the older gods and 'Ερυδκη' phlegmatic in its delivery, is a chunk of pure bludgeoning darkness.  This record is that good, I'm willing to go out on a limb and call it an album of the year contender. Much like the Hivelords last year; Rorcal have pushed their own envelope further and further into the realms of possibility and although they may dwell in darkness, the future is bright.

“Creon” CD//DD//LP track  listing:
1). 'Πολυνεκης'
2). 'ντιγνη'
3). 'Αμων'
4). 'Ερυδκη'

The Review:

'Creon' is the newest album from Swiss post black/sludge outfit Rorcal and is indicative of the violent, evil forces of Mother Nature. Each element combines to form a torrent of acrid, yet melodic sound.

'Πολυνεκης' leads the way with its jagged, maelstrom of a riff. It slowly builds through a resplendent cacophony, complete with stabbing cymbals and hypnotic guitar layers into Altar Of Plagues like pummelling. The barrage continues with plenty of subtle nuances but without rest. You're already consumed by the tidal pull and gasping for air by the time 'ντιγνη' washes over you with its 'Criminally Insane' like drum intro. This time, the build up is short; Yonni's vocals churn in the blackened waves. Some Norwegian Second Wave riffs bare their teeth for a few moments among the intelligent song crafting. The song dissipates into some melancholic shredding, destroying its structure before rebuilding into a furious storm.

The intro of μων' draws you in with its brooding, darkness before it rages violently into oblivion with nods to the older gods. The intro riff is once again the jumping off point for the song as it takes a slightly more frantic turn. Blast beats are plentiful as the hellfire riffs spew lava in every direction and nearing the song's end, the notes are left to cling to the smog filled air. ρυδκη' phlegmatic in its delivery, is a chunk of pure bludgeoning darkness. Something inherently nefarious lurks beneath the intricate melodies and machine gun drumming, almost as if something has forced their hands. By the time the track's twelve plus minutes have elapsed, you will feel like Pliny the younger, surveying the city of Pompeii after Mount Vesuvius erupted.

This record is that good, I'm willing to go out on a limb and call it an album of the year contender. Much like the Hivelords last year; Rorcal have pushed their own envelope further and further into the realms of possibility and although they may dwell in darkness, the future is bright.
Creon” is available here

Band info: facebook