Monday 3 June 2019

ALBUM REVIEW: Latitudes, "Part Island"

By: Eeli Helin

Album Type: Full-length
Date Released: 05/04/19
Label: Debemur Morti Productions

"Part Island" is a beautifully aching, emotionally overwhelming and all consuming monstrous opus

"Part Island" CD//DD//LP tracklisting:

1. Underlie
2. Moorland Is the Sea
3. Dovestone
4. Fallowness
5. The Great Past
6. Part Island

The Review:

"Part Island", the fourth full-length by Latitudes and their second under the flag of Debemur Morti Productions. On "Part Island", the UK based sludgy post-metal band reinvent themselves on familiar waters, leading into a mental image of a capsized ship representing a previously unseen side of their own sound. The maritime references are more than fitting; The artwork, song titles, lyrics and the albums name all blend together perfectly, keeping the listeners close and feeding them protean visions they feel are apt at any given time.

On their earlier albums, the band has heavily relied on strong instrumentation, often leaving the vocals abaft. The most notable change this time is that instead of building up from a riff or drum pattern, all the songs were embarked with an acoustic guitar and vocal melodies, other instruments following afterwards. Soon after the album begins, you realise that the vocals are extremely integral this time, and it's something you didn't know you missed on the earlier albums.

The album starts off with "Underlie", which acts as sort of an introduction to the album, infused with soft plucked acoustic guitars, keys and fragile vocals. The listener is instantly carried away from wherever they are, into the drowsy and bleak world sealed within this album. The following tracks "Moorland Is the Sea" and "Dovestone" are perhaps the heaviest pieces on the album, creating contrast and boundaries to the otherwise vague and floating settlements. Adam Symonds' vocals sway through the air stronger than ever, constantly reminding how the vocals are indeed where the focus is at this time around. The pair is also mirroring their past works more than the rest of the album.

"Fallowness" starts off with synth swoops and picks up a more prompt pace until it comes to halt, again showing how Latitudes thrive in creating huge contrasts within short periods of time. There’s currently a lot of bands going for that certain kind of variability, but Latitudes excels in it better than most. Trailed by the most sinister track on the album, "The Great Past", you can't help but smirk, knowing how you will enjoy this release for countless repeats. The albums titular closer, the grand ouvre of "Part Island", will take every single mood and emotion strewn throughout the 43 minute album and compress them into one magnificent entity. It is now when you realize words can't do enough justice for the album, it simply has to be heard to be understood. This album will drain you, but it's worth it.

"Part Island" is a beautifully aching, emotionally overwhelming and consuming monstrous opus, which shows that this band is ascending to a whole new class and there's absolutely no limits to their creativity and what one might expect from them in the future.

"Part Island" is available HERE

Band info: facebook || bandcamp