Tuesday 5 September 2017

FOR THOSE ABOOT TO ROCK: Riffs of Canada introducing Old Hope (Toronto, Ontario)

By: Mark Tremblay

Album Type: EP
Date Released: 05/07/2017
Label: Independent

For anyone who misses dirty sounding sludge records, this EP is for you

“Held in a Twisted Cell” DD track listing:

1). The Seeds of Revenge
2). Under The Many Moons Above
3). Capitulated Loss

The Review:

Old Hope follow up their 2015 demo with an incredibly raw and filthy new EP. In an era where many bands aim for sterile and polished productions, it is nice to see a bands like Old Hope do something more honest. “Held in a Twisted Cell” has a “recorded in a cave” quality akin to early High on Fire era records.

The EP opens with “Seeds of Revenge”. This songs have a “Blessed Black Wings” feel to it, and yet takes many unexpected turns and twists. The shear intensity and power of the riffs in this track would make Matt Pike himself proud. The EP ends with an extremely and doomy turn with “Capitulated Loss”. An extremely slow plodding doom track reminiscent of Toronto Contemporaries Demonic Possessor. For anyone who misses dirty sounding sludge records, this EP is for you

“Held In A Twisted Cell” is available here (“name your price”)

Band info: bandcamp || facebook