Saturday 1 October 2016

“And the earth will be destroyed with undulations of fuzz part II:” An Interview with Dreich & Album Stream

Dreich hail from different corners of the globe and were united in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2015.  Dreich is an expression of the suffering of the human condition on this mortal coil. The oath was sworn and the allegiance is kept by four wretched souls brought together by forces unknown to summon, the bleak, the heavy, the horrid, the animalistic, the energy and beauty within darkness.  In sonic ritual Dreich conjure hypnotic rhythms and entrance their fiendish victims and recent committed their first aural rituals to wax in the form of a split release with Irish fuzz merchants Mares of Diomedes .

On September 16th 2016, Heavy Earth Records was the vessel for which this release was bestowed upon the unsuspecting world, a release of bone rattling doom that is on par with the best in the genre.   Following on from the recent premiere of the Mares of Diomende tune “Earth Destroyer”, today we present the second part of our doubled headed interview, with the formal introduction of Dreich and a full stream of this gargantuan release.  So let the ritual begin.  Purchase the album on cassette, vinyl or digital formats here

SL: Can you give us an insight into how you started playing music, leading up to the formation of Dreich?

Dreich was the marriage of two different concepts/projects. The former project had been a slightly different line up and the latter was to be a project between our vocalist and guitarist, by forging the two together Dreich was sprung as we found our mutual gravitation towards the darker sonic realms.

SL: For folks unfamiliar with your band, are there any bands on the scene past and present that you would use as a reference point band to describe your band, and is there any bands that continue to inspire you and push you to try new things?

Dreich: As a band we’re shaped by our life experiences in a forsaken world, our different cultural backgrounds and our former projects. We have roots in many different scenes from death metal to D.I.Y. punk and listen to a vast variety of music definitely not limited to sludge and doom.

We don’t really like to frame our sound around that of other musicians. We’re a melting pot of influences, genres and are directing ourselves around what we feel, not what we know of other bands. Surely there are influences or other musician’s people may feel we share themes/sounds with, however Dreich never explicitly set out with such intentions, musically

SL: What can you tell us about your upcoming record and where do you feel it sits within the context current music scene.

Dreich: If we must frame our music we would describe Dreich as a band mostly rooted in Doom Metal with nods to death metal and black metal. We describe ourselves and our concept as Bleak Metal. We are always experimenting, progressing and evolving as a band and we are currently amidst writing our first full length release, but with these tracks from the split we have found our musical approach as a band.

SL: How was the mood in the camp going into the recording of the record?

Dreich: Although it was the dark days of Scandinavian winter, as a band we went into the studio feeling hungry to sink our teeth into our first recording. We play dark and heavy music; however, we still find much enjoyment within that, as a family who share that. We collaborated with Ballade Studios and we’re really happy with what was achieved there.

SL: What can fans look forward to from you over the next 12 months? How is your schedule shaping up?

Dreich: The next 12 months is  shaping up to be even more intense than those preceding it and we welcome that. We have the split with Mares Of Diomedes being released, some shows we're humbled to be playing, continuing with the writing process and then recording our first full length. We’ve had requests to play in both Europe and beyond so we look forward to embarking on an exciting year.

Cheers // Skål // Sláinte!!!

Band info: facebook || bandcamp