Sunday 1 March 2020

6 NEW BANDS: THE SLUDGELORD's "666 Pack Review" (February 2020)

By: Nikos Mixas

It’s the February 2020 version of THE SLUDGELORD’s “666 Pack Review” and we’re hoping for some better representation this month because last month pretty much SUCKED!  Maybe 2019 was such a good year for new tunes that our expectations are really high right now.  Get it together 2020 bands!   If you’re new to this, each and every month we handpick 6 review submissions and critique them by only using 6 words, then we rate them on a scale from 1 to 666!  Check out our motivational rating scale below:  

1 – The only inspirational thing we can say is that you’re only 3 spots away from relevance.  
2 – What can I say about two?  At least you didn’t get a rating of 1!  
3 – Most bands are average that we listen to, but you only have to try a little bit harder to be above average. 
4 – Music fans like bands that are better than average, and that’s what you are…just slightly…         
5 – You’re almost there!  Next time you’ll nail that 666!  
666 THE SLUDGELORD commends you for all your hard work and effort put into your submission.  Brag to all that care to listen about your 666!

Caveat:  Even though the 666 Pack Review is meant to offer humorous critique, there are no safe spaces here and your gripes will only make you sound like a bellyacher.  THE SLUDGELORD is a picky listener…and doesn’t care what you think of his opinions….

1). Moratorium, “Night Mothers” (Ottawa, Canada) Rating: 666!

Night Mothering February the fuck up!


2). Deer Lord, “Deer Lord” (Santa Rosa, CA, U.S.A.)   Rating: 4

Boogie down safe stoner slut sounds.

3). Settlement, “What Once Was” (Buffalo, NY, U.S.A.)   Rating: 5

Settlement not settling on being average…

4). Harvest of Ash, “Deadlights [EP]” (Salt Lake City, UT U.S.A.)  Rating: 4

Wonkily produced, but nice riffage wins.   

5). Ultracombo, “Season 1” (Vicenza, Italy) Rating: 666!

Desert grooves making headway in Italy!

6). Alconaut, “Sand Turns to Tide” (Bastia, France) Rating: 3

Riffs straight out of the 80’s.