Friday 11 July 2014

Kröwnn - MAGMAFRÖST - Album Review

MAGMAFRÖST cover art

Album Type: Album
Date Released: June 16th 2014
Label: Self Released

MAGMAFRÖST - track listing:

1.Bennu (intro) 01:26
2.Skeksis Dance 07:04
3.Wyvernking 08:19
4.Wölfhunt 05:06
5.To Minas Morgul 07:07
6.Sleipnir 04:13
7.Forge Of Crom 08:10
8.Cernunnos (outro) 05:18


Kröwnn was formed in the summer of 2012, in Venice - Italy, with the intention of playing an old school oriented doom metal, stylistically close to the member's favourite bands of the genre. Lyrics are based on the fantasy worlds created by great authors such as Howard, Moorcock, Tolkien and Martin. In February 2013 they release their first demo, recorded in 6 hours and printed with the name of Hyborian Age, followed by the video of the song "Gods of Magnitogorsk".

Actually Kröwnn are at the third print of their album , by the canadian label PRC music, and workin' on the new material for the upcoming new stuff.

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled Kröwnn of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let us tell you of the days of high adventure!

Band Members

Michele el Lello Carnielli - Vocals, Guitars
Silvia Selvaggia Rossato - Bass Guitar
Elena Fiorenzano - Drums


After criminally ignoring Kröwnn's debut album – Hyborian Age – back in 2013, I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice with their 2nd album – MAGMAFRÖST. A sprawling 48 minute monster of intense doom metal mixed with classic fantasy based novels. Don't let that send you running to the hills as Kröwnn play classic doom metal akin to Sabbath, Saint Vitus, Pentagram. You know the classic bands of the magical and legendary doom metal era. Though Kröwnn wisely add touches of modern based Stoner Metal riffs for a great bone-crunching sound.

The album has tons of weird and wonderful noises amongst the Doom Metal vibes they throw your way. Lead Vocalist – Michele – feels he is channelling some long lost Wizard as he plants a spell on the audience leave ing them in a hypnotic trance courtesy of great vocals and spell-binding lyrics

Tracks such as Wolfhunt, Skesis Dance and To Minus Morgul show what Kröwnn are all about. Up-tempo classical Doom based riffs packed with a lot of groove. Who cares if you don't like fantasy based novels. If you're a fan of great music then this is the album for you. Kröwnn have created a monster here as it's a thrilling adventure told through the mighty power of the riff. Credit must go to Silvia and Elena on Bass Guitar and Drums respectively as they provide a formidable back-line for Michele to build his vocals and epic guitar riffs on.

MAGMAFRÖST packs a lot of fuzz and noisy feedback that makes it a very rich and loud audio experience at times. It gives this album a hard-rocking edge amongst it's classic retro-doom metal competitors. This is one highly addictive release indeed. If your not moved by this magical album then may CROM crush your mortal soul into eternal darkness!!!

MAGMAFRÖST is now available to buy now on Digital Download from BandCamp

Check The Band From Links Below

Written by Steve Howe