are about to release their début album – STORM – which I feel is
going to make some waves within the Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal scene.
already made a little dent with the Sludge/Stoner Metal world back in
2012 when they released their début EP – Samsara. But trust me
when I say it doesn't compare to their blistering and heavy as hell
début album Storm which I described as:
return with their 53-minute début album - Storm. A blistering and
heavy onslaught of heavy spacey cosmic Doom/Sludge Metal riffs that
owes more than a nod to Ufomammut, Yob, Electric Wizard and Black
is an intense and richly rewarding experience that you will be
reliving for a long time to come. Snailking have created something
special here. If you are into long drawn out epic and heavy as heck
Doom based Sludge/Stoner Metal then this is as good as it gets. Storm
is incredible.”

have kindly agreed to talk to us here at Sludgelord HQ.
– Hi all. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you today.
Hi! Things are great, we just received the first copies of Storm ourselves can’t wait to see it be released.
– Can you tell our readers a brief history of how the band came
about and where it is today.
and I are childhood friends, we’ve gone to school together and
lived near each other growing up. We decided to start a band back in
2010 with another friend of ours named Adam. In 2012 we parted ways
with him and met Jonas through the internet. He joined Snailking in
March of 2012 and we immediately began refining the songs we already
had together, and wrote some new ones. Jonas owns his own home
studio, and we used just that to record Samsara
just after three months of playing together. Since releasing Samsara
we’ve been busy writing and working on the new material and playing
– Your new album STORM is about to be released via Consouling
Sounds. In your own words what can people expect from the album.
A more sharpened Snailking all in all I think. I think the new record isn’t as raw as Samsara was, and by raw I mean that performance-wise Samsara wasn’t the best at all times. We recorded it over just a weekend, and took about two weeks mixing and mastering it. We spent a lot more time making this, we begun in October of 2013 and ended up finishing it in April 2014. Just the writing alone took us over a year. Storm is much more coherent, we had more focus of writing an album here where as Samsara just was thought of as a demo to show family and friends first of all.
– Was it an easy or hard album to write and record for. And why did
you call the album – STORM.
I think it went very smoothly. We had worked on many of the songs for
well over a year when we started recording Storm
so I believe we had a vision of what we wanted from the start. The
only song we wrote in the midst of recording the album is the bonus
song Void
the CD version.
for me represents a “stormy period” in one’s life, a turbulent
time. I write the lyrics and for me a lot of inspiration came from
being on a sick-leave from work for 4 months because of too much
stress. It turned my world around and took me a lot of time to get
back on my feet. I lost the sense of hunger and had friends calling
me just to see if I had eaten anything. So for me it’s about
depression, feeling alone and being mistreated.
But I also like to think it’s about rising from all that and coming back. Needless to say I had a hard time emotionally writing the lyrics. It’s all written very metaphorical and that was the intention, I like when you make your own assumption of what it’s about. What it means for me doesn’t necessarily have to be the same for the other members in the band. So it’s really meant to mean whatever one makes out of it.
But I also like to think it’s about rising from all that and coming back. Needless to say I had a hard time emotionally writing the lyrics. It’s all written very metaphorical and that was the intention, I like when you make your own assumption of what it’s about. What it means for me doesn’t necessarily have to be the same for the other members in the band. So it’s really meant to mean whatever one makes out of it.

– What influenced you when recording the album.
time for one, we had lots of time recording this album which means we
could really sink our hearts in to it. We spent half a year in the
studio as I said and I hope that really shows. This time around we
also knew that people dug what we were doing before-hand so I think
we were overall more confident this time.
– How would you describe Snailking's overall sound.
would describe our sound as a heavy doom/sludge three-piece with an
atmospheric vibe. I personally have always like the idea of a group
with three members where each instrument plays an equally important
– Which bands and artists influenced you as a musician.
listen to a wide variety of different bands from a variety of
different genres ranging from Black Metal to Electronic music but we
all meet somewhere in the doom and sludge sound. Black Sabbath,
Electric Wizard, Harvey Milk, Melvins and YOB are some of my top
bands though.
– How did you hook-up with the guys at Consouling Sounds. Did you
have any other offers from different labels to release your début
Back when we released Samsara, truthfully it was just basically to show family and friends that “this is what we’re doing”. I posted a link to it on Reddit and it gained attention quick. The first couple of days we had well over 1000 plays. I think five days after we posted the demo on Reddit Mike from ConSouling Sounds contacted us through there and said “Hey, we wanna work with you”. Seeing that they worked with acts like Amenra and Alkerdeel we said yes very quickly. We had no other offers at the time, it just felt very right to go with ConSouling Sounds from the start and we haven’t looked back since.

– Congrats on getting your record released on Vinyl. Did you have
much input into the design of the cool vinyl. Or was that left to the
As we did with Samsara
we left the artwork to our friend Johan Leion. We were really
satisfied with the last one and gave him pretty much free hands. We
just told him some vague ideas of what we wanted, pretty much “just
think storm” and he did his magic. The artwork is equally important
to us as the music itself so we wanted it to reflect the county
Småland in Sweden which we all live in which is known for its dense
– Which format is your preferred choice for people to listen your
music on. CD, DD, Vinyl and Tape. And the reasons why.
it’s just something special with that vinyl sound. And besides, you
can really see the artwork better than on the small CD covers. But in
reality I listen to MP3s the most, it’s just more convenient and
easier to carry around.
– You first came to my attention and perhaps the Sludge/Doom/Stoner
Metal scene back in 2012 when you released – SAMSARA – to some
acclaim from fans and critics alike. Did the response for SAMSARA
surprise you back then.
It took us some time to fully comprehend what had happened, we
weren’t expecting to receive any attention at all let alone get
contacted by a record label.
– Would you change anything about SAMSARA or would you leave it the
way it is.
was a nice experience, Jonas had just joined the band and this was
our first recording together. Because we pretty much rushed
everything and did it over a weekend there are lots of errors and
mistakes that we hear but people probably don’t notice at first
glance. I like Samsara as it is, it took us to where we are now and
I’m glad it did. But if I had to have changed anything I would’ve
liked to have spent more time on it, there was no need to rush it.
– What is the song-writing dynamic in the band. Is it a group
collective or down to one individual.
all write our own parts and we mostly jam stuff together. Songs can
take months to take shape, and they can end up sounding totally
different from what they started as. We do all the music together so
it’s a collective effort and I do the lyrics.

- What is your musical set-up when playing live or recording your
music. Any hints and tips would you like to give to the budding
musicians out there.
usually use a Laney GH100L amp in either one or two 4x12’s live. On
we used both that and my Laney Klipp. On Samsara
we mainly used my Matamp GT1. I’ve had almost the same pedals on
both records with the exception of the Univibe which was an addition
to Storm:
Guitar > MXR Dynacomp > ROSS Distortion > Whirlwind Phaser >
MXR Univibe > MXR Carbon Copy Delay. Frans plugs his bass into a
Marshall VBA400 400W bass amp and uses and old Acoustic 2x15
cab. For all his distorted goodness he use an Aguilar AGRO Distortion
pedal. Jonas regularly makes changes to his drum setup so it’s hard
to keep up but he uses a mix of a PDP 805 kit and a TAMA Imperial
Star kit. He often plays a 20” ride, a 20” crash and a 22” ride
and an 18” china of different brands.
use the same equipment live as we did in the studio.
– Do you play many gigs in Sweden or do you have to travel further
afield to perform regularly.
haven’t done that many gigs in Sweden actually, it’s more than
our gigs abroad but not by much. There are many bands in Sweden as
most people know, and there are only a few places to play so there’s
often a long wait to get to play. Or you need to book gigs many
months in advance which we’re never really good at as we’re more
the spontaneous types. It’s actually easier for us to get gigs
abroad and that may well be because we’re always a tad late in to
the planning process. We’ve been on two mini-tours since releasing
and played in countries such as Denmark, Germany, Netherlands,
Belgium and France.

– What is your whole view of the crowd-funding scene. It's very
controversial at the moment with the Hard Rock/Metal scene. Some
bands are for it and some are against it. Would yourselves ever
participate in a crowd-funding project.
don’t think we would ever do any crowd-funding, just because we
wouldn’t want to feel obligated to a lot of people that has backed
us. We like to take ourselves all the time we feel that we need, and
having a lot of people spending money on let’s say a recording
would make me stress out. We’re not against it, it may work for
some people and I could see myself back a project if I believed in it
but it’s just not for us.
– If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What would it be.
think of starting a band, just do it. It’s very easy to get stuck
in the idea phase never to move on past that but if you throw
yourself head-first in to it you’ll always end up with a more
rewarding result I think.
– Do you have any other exciting plans over the next 12 months or
so. Tours to promote the new album.
working on a European tour to promote the album now and we’re
dreaming of travelling farther away to play in the future. About 50%
of our fans according to Facebook comes from USA and we’d love to
play there some day but when you finance everything from your own
pockets it’s just not financially possible at the moment to go
– The last thing before you go, Do you have anything else to say to
your fans.
for sticking with us and thanks for all the support you’ve been
giving us, this has been a humbling experience for us all. Check our
Facebook page to keep updated on tour plans and we’ll see each
other on the road!
– thanks for doing this interview. All the best with the album as
it's a phenomenal début album. Been great talking to you.
man, thank you!
will be available to buy on CD/DD/Vinyl from Sept 15th 2014
via ConsoulingSounds.
Check the Band from Links Below
Check the Band from Links Below
Written by Steve Howe