always cool when a band goes the extra mile and does something
special for me to review their new album. Take today's guests for
example. They sent me a copy of their excellent new album –
Colossus – on Vinyl which I was very thankful for.
it sounds epic on Wax. It's an excellent début album that will
hopefully win them some praise within the Sludge/Stoner Metal scene.
originally described the album as: “Vultures At Arms Reach
finally unleash their début album – Colossus. A noise rock driven
Sludge/Stoner/Doom/Post-Metal hybrid that maybe very hard to describe
but you can’t deny the sheer volume of riffs the album packs within
it’s short 32 minute running time.
is a heavy pounding album full of violent mood swings with a slightly
distorted crazy view of the world. Vultures At Arms Reach may take
influence from a diverse range of bands such as Kowloon Walled City,
Mastodon, ISIS and even Faith No More, but you can’t deny the sheer
scale of the whole musical landscape that the album projects. As it’s
a progressive wonderland of huge violent riffs waiting to be
At Arms Reach have now been on the blog no less than 3 times so I am
definitely a fan of these great Sludge Rockers. The guys have kindly
agreed an interview with me. So let's get started.

– Hi guys. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you today.
than we imagined.
– Can you tell our readers a brief history of how the band came
about and where it is today.
actually started out as a Misfits cover band, and that lasted about
30 minutes. None of us had played together or even seen each other
play live before, so we had no idea what to expect. The cover band
idea started drunkenly at a local dive bar pulled together by a dude
that knew we all played. During that first practice the Misfits songs
were just plain old shit. So Travis started jamming some Sabbath
style riffage and eye contact was finally made amongst everyone. We
are a band of accidentals, we weren’t even supposed to record our
first EP, the studio time was meant for Nate’s jam band that
cancelled last minute. So to put out a record (COLOSSUS) and get rid
of over 600 copies the first month is a new thing to us.
– How would yourselves describe your music as you have a lot of
different sounds going on.
try not to emulate, but it’s bound to happen at some point, and we
are trying to evolve into something that is its own thing. But I
suppose as a blanket statement to cover our sound I’d say violent
stoner post-metal.
– Why did you choose the name Vultures At Arms Reach.
few people have told us that it’s too long, then I say “And they
will know us by the trail of dead…” then they don’t say much,
but the name is political, societal, and combative.

– You're new album – Colossus - has been released. Can you tell
us what the album is all about.
about war at it’s core. Track one is a call to arms, 2 and 3 are
amidst the combat, 4 is the aftermath of war, 5 is the remorse of
combat, and 6 sending the troops back in for another round.
– Was it an easy or hard album to write and record for.
writing process is fairly easy to us, we took our time to record the
record since we knew we were pressing vinyl this time.
– Why did you call the album – Colossus. Any particular meaning
behind it.
it was named after the artwork that Nik Burman gave us, which was
originally titled Vulturassic, but I saw the art and thought this
thing is colossal.
– As you know from my review I detected a slight Faith No More vibe
on a couple of the songs. Are they big influences on your music as a
aren’t a huge influence to any of us, I remember that song Epic
with the fish flopping around at the end of the video. I’m way more
into Mike Patton rather than FNM. Fantomas, Mr. Bungle both crazy and
amazing stuff there.

– You're releasing the album on vinyl yourselves. Was that a hard
or easy decision to make as it can be a very expensive business.
wanting to make a vinyl is an easy decision, paying for the fucker
took some time, but it was well worth the stress, time, and money. I
know a lot of people that want to be on vinyl around Santa Cruz, and
hopefully we inspired some of us smaller bands to aim higher.
– Did you have any offers from independent labels to release the
album on Vinyl.
was interest in putting out our new album over a year and a half ago,
they were wanting cassettes, and we were wanting vinyl. It ended up
being too much money on their end, so we did it ourselves.

– What is the song-writing dynamic in the band. Is it a group
collective or down to one individual.
The more epic and dynamic songs are written as a band, some of the
more straight ahead songs are written singularly. We have 4 new songs
so far for a next recording and it’s literally split 50/50 between
writing together and writing separately.
– How big of a help has BandCamp and the Sludge/Stoner Metal
community been in promoting your music.
the only format we use besides Facebook, and because of rad dues like
you, people are listening to us.
– It seems the albums is starting to receive some impressive
reviews. Has the response pleased you all so far.
stoked if someone puts in 0 dollars in the name your own price
section, because they wanted it. So the fact that there are so many
bloggers out there sharing our music is sometimes overwhelming and

- What is your musical set-up when playing live or recording your
music. Any hints and tips would you like to give to the budding
musicians out there.
are a trail of chords and gear. You’d think there was a 5 piece
band playing until we get on stage, and only 3 dudes walk out, and
each year it just gets worse. Because, if we want it, we work for it
and buy it. The future is bringing us some ridiculous set up times.
– If you could change anything within the Hard Rock/Metal scene.
What would it be and why.
would ask it to be more humble, especially if you’re growing in
– What is your favourite song off the album and why.
is Draugr because he gets to go into drummer land. Nate’s is Heavy
Hands because of the hook, and mine is Colossus because of the
effects work. It sounds just like that live.

– If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What would it be.
out the jerks in the band right out of the gate, then don’t hold
ANY expectations, play because you love to.
– What are your thoughts of the entire crowd-funding scene. It
seems to have it's defenders and people think it's a waste of time.
Would yourselves ever participate in a crowd-funding project.
don’t know much about it, I know a few promoters and bands that
have used it around here and it seemed to work out well. I see no
problem in it, because it’s the crowds choice whether they donate
or not.
– The last thing before you go, Do you have anything else to say to
your fans.
make us better and hopefully we give you something too.
for doing this. All the best with the new album. Hope you manage to
sell all of your vinyl and to release great records in the future.
The Band From Links Below
want to thank Vultures At Arms Reach for talking to us here at
Sludgelord HQ. If you haven't checked out Colossus then do so as your
missing out on a brilliant album. It's available on BandCamp Buy Now
Download. So headover there now and show your appreciation for this
great band now!!!.
by Steve Howe