Thursday 26 May 2016

The Sludgelord Song Premiere - "Monolith" by LLNN

By: Aaron Pickford

It is but a few months since we last covered today’s featured artist LLNN, but they are currently riding the crest of a wave, with the announcement that their latest album “Loss” has been picked up for a worldwide release via the renowned label Pelagic Records. 
The integrity of the label is unquestionable; indeed the label philosophy is to release a few records a year, and to maintain high standards of quality and aesthetics, with the onus releasing genuine and challenging art, that is inspiring and moving.  So having delivered a plethora of releases featuring  The Ocean, Mono, Cult of Luna and most recently Silver Snakes, LLNN are unsurprising euphoric that a label dedicated to releasing quality products, will release “Loss” as superior CD and vinyl package.  What bigger compliment can a band be given, in an age where the album format is increasingly getting discarded in light of the digital era.    
Following on from this announcement, we are delighted at The Sludgelord to follow up our original article with another exclusive premiere from “Loss”.  Today, we deliver what the band describe as  the most brutally straight forward song and one of the heaviest they’ve ever written.
Christian Bonnesen, vocals & guitar remarked about the track “It’s also a song that sees us move a bit away from the more 80’s John Carpenter/Vangelis inspired synths of our record “Marks” and into a more organic sound inspired by Brad Fiedels work on the Terminator movies. We hope that you will enjoy the song."
Drawing comparisons to Converge and Love Sex Machine but filtered through the visionary mind of cult sci fi movies, LLNN’s attitude to their compositions is one of devotion to embracing a variety of genres but melding them into their own unique and outstanding personality. Please bear witness to the quite awesome track “Monolith


The record is called “Loss” it is available to preorder here and you can find the track listing below:
“Loss” CD//DD//LP track listing

1). Rapture
2). Monolith
3). Calamity
4). Loss
5). Depths
6). Voyager
Band info: bandcamp| facebook