Eye Records has steadily been making a name for themselves over the
last few years or so with their impressive list of artists such as
Akuma, Summoner, The Phuss, Jupiter Zeus and Elephant Tree to name a
few. They have released some stunning vinyls such as the last two excellent
Summoner's albums which are very highly sought after. Especially
Mike is about to embark on his most ambitious project yet. Electric Ladyland [Redux]. A collection of artists doing covers from that
landmark classic double album. Mike has gathered artists such as
Summoner, Wo Fat, Mothership, Mos Generator, Earthless, Ironweed,
Open Hand and Stubb. Impressive or what. This is being funded by a
wildly successful kickstarter campaign where everything is almost
gone. More details here.
is also the guitarist in the brilliant Sci-fi tinged Hard Rock/Stoner
Metal Band – IRONWEED.
had to get an interview with Mike as he is doing some awesome things
in the Doom, Sludge, Psych, Stoner Rock Community. And Mike has
kindly agreed an interview with us at Sludgelord HQ.

– Hi Mike. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you today.
are going good. Thank you for taking the time to ask me some
questions Steve.
– So where shall we begin. Well let’s talk about Magnetic Eye
Records. Can you give our readers a brief history of how Magnetic Eye
Records came about and where it is today.
the idea of starting a record label came to me Thanksgiving of 2010.
I just had the realization that one of the best ways to learn more
about everything related to music would be to start my own label.
Slowly over the last 4 years we have really taken MER from an idea
into a reality.
– Was it an easy decision to start Magnetic Eye Records. Or was it
something that you always wanted to do.
played with the idea of starting my own label back in the early 1990s
when I formed Ajna Chakra however I was still in Berklee and gigging
a lot with Ajna Chakra so I never made the time. Over the years after
more experience with labels and being signed to labels the thought
returned and finally I took some action because I was in a place in
life where it made sense.
– Why did you choose the name Magnetic Eye Records for your label.
Any specific meaning about it.
the name was very deliberate and yes, there is specific meaning
attached to the name. I’d prefer to let others make their own
associations about the meaning though.

– You have signed some great acts signed to your label such as
Summoner, Akuma.
thanks. I agree, we have signed some incredible bands that deserve
people’s time and attention. I think that is one of the main roles
of a label, acting as a gatekeeper and releasing the best bands. I
also believe that another responsibility of a great label is not
releasing the same music and working with the same genre over and
– Do you have a set of rules when signing a band/artist to your
label or wanting to work with them.
would hesitate to say that MER has a set of rules. I do work with
individuals who are musically talented and driven, who also believe
in the value of music. And by value I am meaning the spiritual value
and life value of music. Music changes and influences peoples lives –
I try to sign bands and individuals that I can have meaningful
relationships with. Good people doing great things with art and
– You have released some stunning vinyls with awesome designs to
them. Do you have final say of the Vinyl design itself. Or do you
leave that upto the bands to decide. How much involvement do the
bands/artists have with the design of their vinyls and CD’s.
definitely have final say on the vinyl and the method that tends to
work best in my mind is not telling anyone what the vinyl variants
are going to be. I like to take the entire release into
consideration; the songs, the mix, the artwork, the band and then
select variants that move me. I enjoy that.
the bands and artists do have input and control with the layout and
design and cover art etc. At times this varies – sometimes the band
has an artist and they’re sending all the art my way and sometimes
we are using a label artist and the band just approves the work.

– How hard is it to run a Record Label in today’s current climate
and market.
Running a label is actually an easy job. I chose to take it day
by day and work to grow the label one victory and one day at a time.
I find it is also very helpful for me to not get too hung up on the
ups and downs and all the distractions of the industry. There is so
much controversy and misinformation and opinion, I work to stay
focused on the basics; great music, great people, great releases on
gorgeous formats etc.
– If you could change anything about the Independent Record Label
scene. What would it be and why.
would change nothing, I’m completely satisfied as is.

– I now have to ask you about your newest project and perhaps
biggest release so far. Electric Ladyland Redux by the brilliant Jimi
Hendrix. When did you get the idea to do this crazy insane brilliant
the anniversary of Hendrix’s death I just started thinking that
releasing an album of Hendrix covers would absolutely rule. I’d
originally thought just my label and maybe a best of sort of release
and then I started thinking about Electric Ladyland and thought it
would be real nice for both the music community and fans of Jimi’s
music to cover Electric Ladyland cover to cover. I mean, …come on!
So I reached out to Todd at Ripple, Steve at STB, and Jay at Hevisike
because I felt having a community working on the record would be
awesome. I am floored by the response.
– You have managed to get a ton of great bands involved to record
covers for this vinyl. Plus help from some great labels who are
mutual friends of ours. STB Records, Ripple and Hevisike. Was it easy
convincing everyone to come on board for this amazing project.
everyone has been super and very into working together on the
project. I have to take a minute to really thank the artist David
Paul Seymour. Not only is he a great artist, he is also the nicest
guy. It has been great getting to know him personally while working
on the Phuss record and Superchief record, he really added a lot by
reaching out to his friends in Earthless and the Budos Band. I owe so
much of this project’s success to David.
– Obviously, it has been carried out by a Kickstarter crowdfunding
project. So it will only be sold to the Kickstarter Pledges. Was it a
hard decision to carry out the project by this way?
this is a Kickstarter release only. The idea came to me and wasn’t
in the label’s budget for the next year so this was the only way
that a project of this size was possible.
– Have you received any feedback from Jimi’s family or friends on
this project. Think they would be quite happy in what you’re doing
to honour Jimi’s memory.
at this time.
– You have STB Records, Ripple and Hevisike on board. Were you on
friendly terms with those great labels before this project. Or is
this the first time you have spoken to the owners. All awesome
labels. Do you all have a great respect for each other.
Yes, we have all been friendly and interacted here and there prior to
this project. They’re all great guys doing good work with their
respective labels.

– We have to talk about your other musical project that is the
awesome Stoner Metal band Ironweed. Can you tell our readers a brief
history of Ironweed and where it is today.
Ironweed was started in summer 2006 and our initial lineup as a four
piece really ruled. Literally from the first time getting together we
could tell we had an amazing potential as a band. Over the years
we’ve had some additions and subtracts with the label mainly due to
members getting too busy to stay with it – our original drummer Jim
Feck owns the wildly successful DrumART company.
last release was the 2011 joint release between Small Stone Records
and Magnetic Eye Records for “Your World of Tomorrow”. We are
clearly long overdue for a new record.
– I hear you have a new Ironweed album coming out in 2015. Can you
give us any more details. Will that be released on your own label or
another label.
record will be coming out Fall of 2015 on MER. That’s all you get
for now. :-]
– Do you still perform regular live dates with Ironweed or have
you been too busy with Magnetic Eye Records over the last few years
or so.
the past few years I’ve really just worked on some solo electronic
and ambient music under the release name Asvara and done some file
sharing with a great Chicago bassist Jeff Smith and the original
Ironweed vocalist Rocco DiDonna. We haven’t taken it very seriously
though, we’ve just done these guerilla recording records where we
will all the songwriting, recording and mixing all in one afternoon.
This project has mainly been for our own enjoyment and as a means of
experimenting and keeping busy.
have not been playing live since 2011. I hope to start finding the
time and having reason to get back out there in 2015.

– Hard question. Which musical aspect do you like doing better.
Running a record label or performing with your band. Or is that too
hard to tell.
recording, performing, and touring will always be my favorite. I do
take great satisfaction in helping others get their music out into
the world too – I have been surprised by how much I enjoy this and
how over time this gets to be even more rewarding in and of itself.
– It looks like 2015 is going to be a big year for you. Ironweed
album and other great releases. Can you tell us what future releases
you have planned for us.
think for the next few years you can expect more of the same with an
eye towards MER having a great presence on tours and events like CMJ
and SXSW. We will see how it all shapes up though.
– Thanks for doing this. All the best with Electric Ladyland and
your future releases with your great label.
you Steve.
to Mike at Magnetic Eye Records and Iron Weed for his time. You can
check out his great label and brilliant band from the links below. Plus check out Electric Ladyland Redux if you want to buy. Though stocks are limited and ends very soon.
Words by Steve Howe and Mike Vitali