Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Sludgelord and Doomed & Stoned Present: An Interview with Goya at Day of the Shred Fest

A definition of Do it yourself (DIY) is the method of building, modifying, or repairing something without the aid of experts or professionals, the reason I mention this, is that there is an increasing trend for bands to do things themselves, indeed if you have a vision of what you are trying to represent or wanting to achieve and have the means to be able to do it yourself, then invariably you are best placed to do so. 

Yes, the financial support of a big label invariably leads to better distribution of your music, which in turn leads to better tours, which means possibly reaching more fans, but ultimately for a fan what DIY represents, is that CD or vinyl or shirt you buy, goes directly to band, who in turn reinvest back into their music.  This is nothing new of course, every band starts this way, but due to the medium of social media, a band can reach so many more people now, then say, 30 years ago.

One such band who personify DIY, is the band Goya, who with the release of their record ‘777’ have steadily became a hot topic within the stoner doom community.  For me, ‘777’ is a future classic in waiting (and this is not just my belief), indeed Goya financed, recorded and distributed the record themselves, and it is a mark of their sheer determination and passion for music, that their hard work is finally starting to pay off with their recent signing to revered boutique label STB Records. 

With a forthcoming split with Wounded Giant (review here) and a second full length coming in 2015, make no mistake, by this time next year, one of the big labels will be knocking on their door.  Prior to their appearance at Day of the Shred fest, Frank Heredia hooked up with the band, who gave a full and frank insight into the band and also what we can expect from the band over the next 12 months. 

The Sludgelord and Doomed & Stoned are proud to present, the 2nd of our series of interviews from the aforementioned Day of the Shred fest.  So sit back, enjoy and keep it sludgy. 

Words by: Aaron Pickford