haven't featured today's guests on the blog before. I don't know why
as they are a brilliant heavy psychedelic loud as fuck Sludge Metal
band who play by their own rules.
2012 2nd
album – Cuddles – is a loud as hell musical odyssey with bone
crunching riffs to rock your soul to. I finally got to see them live
in action in Newcastle at the recent Doomsday 3 All-Dayer in
Newcastle in August 2014 and they played a stunning 40 minute set
which had the audience begging for more.
sent this interview off to the band shortly after that but a lot has
happened with Lords Of Bastard. A member has left and a couple new
members have joined in return. So lets see what Lords Of Bastard
have to say to us here at Sludgelord HQ
– Hi all. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you today.
Mike - Hi, thanks for asking us. I'm good thanks. So far.
- Yes.
- Can you tell our readers a brief history of how the band came about
and where it is today
- Well, firstly, apologies for taking like 6 months or so to get back
to you. Pretty much right after you got in touch we parted ways with
our bass player Chris, which led to another
hold up for us unfortunately. We're finally getting our shit together
again now though, and have a new bass player, Frazer from another
local band, "Firebrand Super Rock" who split up recently.
well as long time friend of ours, Louise who is now playing keys for
us. The addition of the Rhodes piano is probably the most noticeable
change since the band started though. The stop/start thing is deeply
frustrating cause we're always writing new stuff, but it's led to a
pretty strong line-up now I think.
– How would yourselves describe your music as you have a lot of
different sounds going on.
- Haha, I never really know how to answer that, to me it's just a
heavy rock band, a bit psychedelic maybe. I don't mind people calling
it whatever though. I guess if I had to pick a word to describe it,
weird or awkward, but that just seems to happen with what we think is
fairly straight forward at the time.
- Loud most of the time, with the occasional quite bit. Then loud
again. Or just loud all the way through. Having the rhodes is great
for the sinister 70s vibe and quiter parts. And just adds another
bit of beef to the riffs.

– Why the hell did you choose the name Lords Of Bastard for your
band. Any particular meaning behind this.
- Was initially just a bit of a pisstake at some of the kind of
'metal' band names, and the tendency for some bands to try and sound
as if they're some big, scary evil thing. Particularly the whole
male-dominated, bone headed side of things, just seems a bit silly to
me to see grown adults acting tough about songs, or something.
it's probably easy to look at our name and think we're some death
metal band or something. So it serves us right for trying to be funny
and clever.
– Does your name cause you any trouble in getting gigs as such.
- I would hope not, but I guess there's always potential for that
kind of bullshit when dealing with the humans isn't there? Like I
said though, it would be our fault if that was the case for trying to
be funny with a stupid name. Maybe that's why Jay-Z isn't getting
back to us?
- No, not so far. But, if it hadn't been for the band name we'd
SURELY be world famous sludge-metal stars by now! Think the band
name sometimes draws more of an interest than the music, or, at least
is intriguing enough for some people to check us out
– You released your 2nd
album – Cuddles back in 2012. What a fantastic album that is. It's
a real fave of mine at Sludgelord HQ. Was that an easy or hard album
to record.
- Thanks very much man, greatly appreciated. I think it was pretty
straightforward, recording wise it was mostly live and we had the
pleasure of recording at our good friend's studio, Chambers Studio in
Edinburgh, so there didn't feel like there was any pressure or
anything. As far as writing goes all that stuff was written over a
fairly long period of time so it was all pretty familiar when it came
to recording.
Tam - Glad you like it! We did the bass and drums together live in a day and a half. Then the other, less important instruments. Was all pretty easy. Would love to be able to have more time experimenting with different things in the studio. Unfortunately, it's just not possible on our budget, but, it get's better each time we do a recording. If there's always an improvement in 'song' writing and recordings you've gotta be satisfied with that.
Tam - Glad you like it! We did the bass and drums together live in a day and a half. Then the other, less important instruments. Was all pretty easy. Would love to be able to have more time experimenting with different things in the studio. Unfortunately, it's just not possible on our budget, but, it get's better each time we do a recording. If there's always an improvement in 'song' writing and recordings you've gotta be satisfied with that.
– It is a very dark and twisted album at times. Was that your
intention to release something that dark.
- Not intentional no, our stuff just always seems to end up that way.
- Not really, think we just prefer sound of the 'horror notes' more
than the happy ones!

– What influenced you when recording the album.
- We all have a pretty wide range of tastes and influences,
personally I cant really remember what was going on during that time,
but I would say I spend as much time listening to old soul music and
hip hop as I do rock or metal stuff.
- Anything and everything that I was listening to at the time. Was
listening to a lot of 'heavy rock', metal, jazz, prog and general
weird bands. Definitely think it's healthy to listen to a wide
variety of music for inspiration. Like most music fans I would just
get bored. Plus, from the perspective of someone who plays in a band
it just helps keep it interesting and fun.
– What is the song-writing dynamic in the band. Is it a group
collective or down to one individual.
- I usually write most of the demo stuff at home just with a drum
machine, Tam helps out writing a lot of the keys parts and is pretty
good with melodies and ideas in general. Then songs just mostly take
their own shape once we all start messing about with them at
- Yup, Mike and I usually have a rough demo version of a tune before
we try it in practice. It's hard enough getting the 4 of us in the
same room on a regular basis so it has to be like that to ever get
anything done.
– Which bands and artists influenced you as musicians. Any
particular band or album stand out that influenced you to become a
- In rock music, probably all the obvious ones, Led zep, Metallica
etc. My dad is a big blues fan so he was playing cool stuff when I
was growing up, a lot of Jimi, who's definitely a big influence. I've
still got tapes that remember nicking from my dad's tape draw; Al
Green and Abraxas by Santana. Nirvana was definitely a big one for me
when I saw it was just three normal looking nerdy guys, not typical
rock star types and all that shit.
Tam - Was all about John Bonham to begin with. Which I'm sure 99% of drummers would agree with! Listened to a lot of 70s stuff when I first started playing. All the usual suspects. Led Zep, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix. And the more modern favourites were Dave Grohl, Brad Wilk and Jon Theodore. Remember playing along (trying anyway) to Songs For The Deaf, all the Rage albums and the first Mars Volta album.
Tam - Was all about John Bonham to begin with. Which I'm sure 99% of drummers would agree with! Listened to a lot of 70s stuff when I first started playing. All the usual suspects. Led Zep, Sabbath, Deep Purple, Hendrix. And the more modern favourites were Dave Grohl, Brad Wilk and Jon Theodore. Remember playing along (trying anyway) to Songs For The Deaf, all the Rage albums and the first Mars Volta album.

- What is your musical set-up when playing live or recording your
music. Any hints and tips would you like to give to the budding
musicians out there.
- Don't worry about gear-trends, it's never-ending. Just get anything
that you like the sound of, that's loud enough for what you want to
– Do you play many gigs in your home town of Edinburgh. Or do you
have to travel further afield to perform regularly. Though I know you
have a few gigs around the UK coming up.
- I love playing in Edinburgh, there's some really cool venues, but
it's small so probably best to not be playing all the time. No one
wants to hear us that often anyway probably!
We'd definitely like to play more dates in England, or absolutely anywhere that will have us, we're always up for travelling. Newcastle is definitely a favourite place of ours to play, some quality peoples down there!
We'd definitely like to play more dates in England, or absolutely anywhere that will have us, we're always up for travelling. Newcastle is definitely a favourite place of ours to play, some quality peoples down there!
- It's always good playing Edinburgh and seeing the few folks you
know at local gigs who genuinely like your band. But not much point
in playing in the same place anymore than once every couple of
months. It's always good playing in Newcastle, especially the last
one down there with Druganaut, Sapien and Karma To Burn at the Cluny.

– If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What would it be.
Mike - Find a band you like who has done something really well, then do an exact copy of that, no one will know, or care.
- Do it with people who are into it as much as you.
– What is the current Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal scene in Scotland
actually like. There are tons of great bands starting to gain
attention. Or do you just focus on doing your own thing.
- Hmmmm..... There's some awesome people for sure, and some really
good bands but I don't really know about a 'scene' as such. Folk will
probably say there is one but it's all kind of fragmented for such a
small place, and in my experience scenes always tend to involve the
same bullshit no matter the place or genre.
– This is a question I always wanted to ask you. Why did you call
your 2012 album – Cuddles. As it's anything but Cuddly. Love the
album cover.
- Ha, I think that's probably why. Again, I just prefer things like
that to more typical 'metal' type things. I think metal can get
really silly and juvenile when it gets taken so seriously, although
there are people/bands who pull it off for sure.
– What are the future plans for Lords Of Bastard in the next 12
months or so. Any new albums or EP's in pipeline. Anything you like
to share with us at Sludgelord HQ.
- We have a new EP recorded called "I'm Fun", which is
currently being pressed to 10" coloured vinyl and hopefully
should be out in the next month or so. It's pretty short, two new
songs, two versions of older songs, but it's just something to go out
before the next album.
– The last thing before you go, Do you have anything else to say to
your fans.
- Have a great time. Be both really serious, and really sarcastic all
the time, then people will understand you more easily?
for doing this interview – Lords Of Bastard. All the best for your
future tours and hopefully new album(s).
Mike - Thank you man, genuinely appreciate the support to the highest possible level.
Mike - Thank you man, genuinely appreciate the support to the highest possible level.
to Lords Of Bastard for doing this interview. Check out this great
band if you haven't done so already.
by Steve Howe and Lords Of Bastard
More Information