Sunday 20 January 2013

Iron Witch - "Hangover Suicide" 7inch (Review)

By: Hobo Sapien

Album Type: 7inch
Date Released: 18/2/2013
Label: Endtyme Records

“Hangover Suicide” develops into a drawn out, sludge-tastic dirge. The vocals create a sense of wretched misery and anguish, nicely accented by the doomy riffs thrown at you by the band. Simple, powerful, bluesy and boozy.  Highly recommended for fans of Eyehategod, Iron Monkey, Black Flag, Melvins and anyone having a bad day.

“Hangover Suicide 7inch//DD track listing

A) Death Was the Colour (4:35)
B) Hangover Suicide (5:39)

The Review

“Death Was the Colour” slides in with the dissonant feedback we all love before launching in with a  grimy swaggering blues riff. Before you know what’s hit you, your head is already nodding along, fists clenched and ready for action. Everyone is on form here. The guitars are cutting whilst still being hazy, the bass and drums drive forward and the vocals spit like acid through the mix. Halfway in the band filters back into feedback. The bass lurks in with Dopesmoker-esque rumbling. If Sleep took us on a weed trip across the Holy Land, Iron Witch are the AK-47 armed guerrilla force poised to ambush us behind a wall of feedback.

“Hangover Suicide” is definitely cut from the same cloth as Side A.  It begins with a riff that grabs you by the arm and throws you fist first into the chaos you’re hearing. “Hangover Suicide” develops into a drawn out, sludge-tastic dirge. The vocals create a sense of wretched misery and anguish, nicely accented by the doomy riffs thrown at you by the band. Simple, powerful, bluesy and boozy side B winds down leaving you wishing it wasn’t just a 7inch.

With two enjoyable tracks, this is another outstanding release from Iron Witch, 2013 is off to a flying start. Highly recommended for fans of Eyehategod, Iron Monkey, Black Flag, Melvins and anyone having a bad day.

“Hangover Sucide” is available here

Band info: Bandcamp | Facebook | Twitter