guest is currently riding the crest of a wave within the Doom/Stoner
Metal scene with their brilliant and acclaimed new EP – Black Magic
Man. I originally thought that this EP was recorded by an actual
band, hence my surprise when I found out it was the work of one
highly talented individual.
said this about Black Magic Man:
been listening to Psychedelic Witchcraft's debut EP – Black Magic
Man – for some time now. It's a 70s style Classic, Hard Rock. Retro
Rock. Doom Metal and Occult Rock kind of thing.
EP is kicking up a real buzz within the Doom/Stoner Metal community
and it's not hard to see why. It's a stunning release from a
band/solo artist that I want to hear more from. Virginia/Mia has
proven she has the talent and drive to go a long way with Psychedelic
Witchcraft. Check it out. Excellent and Highly Recommended.”
Witchcraft even made it onto the May 2015 Monthly Doom Charts List coming in
at No 20. A real surprise to even Psychedelic Witchcraft themselves.
Though that's how highly thought the band are within the Doom/Stoner
Metal community.
had to get an interview with the hugely talented lady behind
Psychedelic Witchcraft. And I'm happy to present my interview with
Virginia Monti aka – the genius behind Psychedelic Witchcraft.
Virginia, How are things with you today. Thanks for doing this
to you guys for making this I am honoured.

are mainly here to talk about your new musical project –
Psychedelic Witchcraft. Can you tell our readers how this project
came about?
Well it was manly a joke at first. I was alone and it was a pretty
bad period for me because I had to move from Milan to Florence, it
was also the end of a long relationship with my X boyfriend. I felt I
needed something that was only mine and that made me feel better
about the all situation and myself.
one day I had this song ready called "Angela"I called some
friends of mine and I said "Guys I want to record this song can
you help me?".They did and we played in my living room Angela
and post it online. I was pretty shocked when I saw all the feedbacks
that I had. So yeah that's how it started basically 3 months ago now.
released your debut EP – Black Magic Man. Can you tell people what
to expect from this album.
well I don't know ahahaaha . Yesterday I was with some friends and I
was seeing them playing, they are in a doom metal band called "Fangs
of the Molossus" and I really love their stuff and I asked my
myself... Well this is doom metal - it's Heavy and cool I am not like
this ahahahhaah and it's so cool to have the metal community
supporting me even thought I am not very heavy.
I don't know I just wrote what I feel and I don't know if people can
expect me to be doom or heavy or metal ...I think they can definitely
expect a 70' sound and some occult experience and behind all this
just myself .I have put everything that I like and all myself in this
EP so I hope that people feel this too.
did you choose the name for – Black Magic Man – for the EP? Any
specific meaning.
- Well I decide to call the EP like the song "Black Magic Man"
because it's about the man that inspired me to make the EP for real.
I wrote that song very quickly because I was so angry. I remember I
was sitting in my chair with the guitar playing the main riff and
didn't know exactly what I was looking for this song. Then I said to
myself...Why don't you talk about the man that you loved and left you
all alone?
I did it hahahaah. Black Magic Man it's my X boyfriend it was pretty
an evil guy he was so negative about everything and about the world.
He thought I had no talent at all and didn't want me to do this
thing... So maybe it's not the answer that many want to read but this
is the truth.. I wrote the song for him and for all the people that
try to push you down and think you are not capable of anything.
me those people are Black Magic people in that sense … so yeah...
and they also do black magic stuff trust me hahahaha. But again at
the same time he inspired me so much so I dedicate the EP to him, a
really black magic man.

this a hard EP to write and record for?
it was magic really... when everything started and people reacted to
the song Angela , I had only that song so I didn't know what to do. I
took like a week just for myself all alone and I wrote all the EP in
a week. I dedicate myself to it it was an intense week of me, songs
and guitars, it was pretty fun. Then I recorded in Rome in a studio
of a friend of mine, I didn't have so much money so we recorded in 2
days and we played from 6 o'clock in the morning till late at night
it was very intense and then it was done. It was magical like if
someone was guiding me towards this thing.
the overall response to the EP surprised you at all. As it seems the
Doom/Stoner Metal community has taken to Psychedelic Witchcraft in a
big way.
surprised me and I am STILL in shocked!!! - Really I told you before
I don't know if I fit or not in the metal scene because my songs are
not so heavy but I am so glad that the metal community supported me
like this because metal and hard rock are my favorite genres since I
was a young kid.
for me was really amazing. Especially because this is happening so
fast... I told you I am still in shocked and feel blessed by the Gods
everyday - ahahahaaha
you write all the music and lyrics yourself or did you have help from
your friends and colleagues.
wrote everything by myself. All the riffs and all the melody and of
course the lyrics. I like writing I am not a very good guitar player
but I use the guitar to write it's just a lot easier and I love to do
it. All my life I have been writing and reading a lot, not only songs
but in general I like to write and express myself, especially when I
am stoked in a situation and my mind it's exploding for too much
thinking I feel that writing down stuff makes you feel better and
makes something good out of a bad situation...if this make any sense.
you record and play the instruments yourself. Or did you have help
with certain instruments.
needed help of course because even if I wrote everything I needed
someone that played the main guitar and the drums, and I was trying
to make a real band as well, I have never planned to be a solo artist
and I did suffered for this if I have to be honest. I asked some
friends or at least I thought they were friends to help me recording
the songs and if they wanted to make the band with me.
had help for the main guitar and the drums, bass was played by the
guy that played the main guitar in the EP I played the guitar as
well. It was cool they are good musicians they just played my songs
did it right and it was it. I try to convince them to make the band
with me but they didn't want to ... they said that my music was not
interesting at all and they didn't want to play in a band that put
Satan and Witches in their songs. So I said OK that's fine I will be

bands and artists influenced you a musician. Any specific band or
album that stands out.
A LOT. OK - First one that changed my life was when I listened at 8
years old to Led Zeppelin II my father gave it to me and that was
it!!! I was into rock music. Then growing up I loved Jefferson
Airplane and Black Sabbath,Shocking Blue .Lots of Blues like Howlin'
Wolf and Muddy Waters. and so many others...
OK let's talk about record that I like more a part from this artists
because about them I like everything, but I can say definitely Coven
"witchcraft destroys minds and reaps souls" then Leaf Hound
"Growers of Mushrooms", Free "Fire and Water",
Buffalo "Volcanic Rock", and "Cheap Thrills" by
Janis. Yeah, those for me are big inspirations too.
is your musical setup when recording in the studio or playing live.
Is it an advanced or basic setup?
I have been singing since I was a kid and I learned to play the
guitar 2 years ago because I had problem with my voice and I couldn't
sing for months so I decided to learn guitar. I am 24 years old so I
don't have so much experience. I played live many times in jam
sessions and with other projects that I had in the past and also as a
songwriter by myself with the acoustic guitar. But it was my first
time recording a real record. never done before and I am still
learning so much stuff along this way ...so I will say it's a basic
setup, yeah …
Magic Man is being released on 10inch Vinyl by Taxi Driver Records
later in the year. How did you become involved with Taxi Driver
was pretty fun ....I didn't know them and I didn't know they were
following me on Instagram. They were the First one that contacted me
and did a proposal for the EP even if anything was out they just only
listened to Angela and believed in me since the beginning. I wasn't
sure about it because I didn't know anything about labels and 3
months ago I didn't even wanted a label I was not searching for it.
months I had a few records label proposals in my mail but I was all
alone and didn't have a band so I decide it was too big for me to
handle. So I wrote back to Taxi Driver, they are Italian and really
nice guys and they offered me a nice deal that I could handle so I
decide for the moment was the best option for me.

has a well deserved reputation within the Sludge/Stoner Metal world
for providing us with great bands to check out. Ufomammut, Zippo and
Doomraiser amongst others. How is the Sludge/Stoner Metal scene
perceived in Italy?
well I think it's growing a lot really Italy is rising again and I
think this it's so cool. But at the same time it's very difficult to
play because there isn't really a heavy psych stoner movement and
there aren't so much clubs to play in. So I think it's growing and I
am hoping that it will get bigger and easier to play soon.
am hoping this because there are A LOT of good musicians out there
and good bands that need to stand out. But again I am a Loner
honestly ahahaa - I am always alone in my home playing and singing
and I am new to all this stuff so.I am not good for answering this
question ahahahaah
bands/albums are you currently enjoying at the moment? Any you like
to recommend to our readers.
yeah a lot !!! I am really enjoying new ones like there is a band
called Rifflord - fucking awesome record - love them,
- new record - love them as well and some really new and emerging one
like White Coven demo they are very cool, Sara, she has got a
wonderful voice, better then mine honestly ahahahha and Wucan - EP
pretty cool love her voice too.
honestly I am stocked in the 70's I listen to new stuff but then I
return back to my roots. I am listening to Deep Purple right now if
you want to know ahahahahah uh you know another band that I am
listening to, but you know them of course ...stoner version of Deep
purple...new Demon Eye Record ...another awesome one of this month.

you tell us what the long term plans for Psychedelic WItchcraft,
Future tours or albums? Can you see Psychedelic WItchcraft becoming a
full time band with actual band members? Or do you see it as a studio
project at the moment.
am trying to make a real band since the beginning I want to go out
and play be on tour and make this thing grow and happen. I have
musicians right now, I didn't post it officially because they are
learning my songs and I already wrote the full length so they are
learning also the new songs. I am really hoping this line up could
work so I can go out and play and be a real band.
don't care if I have to wrote all the material or other stuff I want
just to play that's it. So plans for Psychedelic Witchcraft ? record
the full Length and playing live as much as possible. Those are my
main goals...
other musical projects are you currently involved with.
have another band I wrote material also for this other project but I
don't know it's anything official yet so we will see what the future
will bring .For the moment I have Psychedelic Witchcraft and it's my
baby I want Psychedelic Witchcraft to work honestly...
do you have anything to say to your fans and our readers?
yes.. THANK YOU GUYS I know I said this a lot but is the truth!! -
You make it real for me and if I am here answering this questions and
if I had some attention it's only because OF YOU. Because you
supported me and shared online my music since the beginning.... Thank
you and I will be never thankful enough!!
the Gods blessed you all and the ancients spirits guides you through
the journey of Life !hope to meet you all one day on the road!!
Cheers :)
by Steve Howe and Virginia Monti
want to thank Virginia for taking the time out to talk to us at
Sludgelord HQ. Check out Psychedelic Witchcraft from the links below.
More Information