May 2015
Crush, Taxi Driver, Icore and Shove records
1: Erion Speaks- Track Listing:
Heat 03:52
2.Hyperwülff 01:43
3.Robogoat 04:28
4.Entering 02:37
5.20 Pillar 08:19
6.In Ruins 01:31
7.Raging Hunger
8.Several Bones
The Wülff: drums,
fists & drones
The Sarge: strings,
nerves & throats
Alone stood the
spirit of the Hyperwülff, deprived of his worldly body. Lingering
atop the remains of what he could once call Home. Erion IX, the
Bearer of Light. Contemplating sparse clouds of dust and errand
debris, maddening rage in His eyes. Had he still claws, they would be
ripping through those vile hordes; the final act of liberation.
Flowing onto His fiery mane. He speaks through fangs.
debut album - Volume 1: Erion Speaks - is a very strange affair.
Parts Sludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom Metal and with a heavy
sideline in atmospheric Space Rock. I featured these guys last year
when they released their excellent demo release which had me on the
edge of my seat. I'm happy to report that Volume 1: Erion Speaks is a
stunning debut album.
band has re-recorded a few tracks from their well-received demo
release along with entirely new songs. Hyperwülff are very hard to
describe and that's a good thing. If you're a fan of Red Fang, High
On Fire, Kyuss, Sabbath and Ufomammut then you should dig this great
band. The album doesn't fit into one specific genre but takes
elements from different parts and creates a distorted cosmic
experience with harsh vocals running through out. The album only runs
for a brisk 35 mins but it contains a wide range of ideas, emotions
and heavy riffs you wouldn't expect.
hard to believe that Hyperwülff is actually duo as the band sounds
they have more than two members in their ranks. Opening track -
Impactor White Heat - is a straight forward Sludge/Stoner affair with
grizzled drums and guitars creating an angry Mastodon style
atmosphere. The vocals comprise of hardcore based growls which adds
an extra sense of violent anger to the mix. The guitars firmly rest
in the highly volatile Sludge/Stoner Metal camp with the band
creating a dangerous world for the cosmic spacey riffs that will
become the main focus of attention later on in the album.
track - Hyperwülff - has a more direct Punk based approach with the
band adopting a faster approach to their music. The vocals and riffs
lie firmly in the Sludge Metal field just with a more punk based
aggression. The drumming is the real standout here as drummer - plays
for his life here. The vocals are harsh and engaging as they draw you
into the sonic battle going on around you.
track - Robogoat - sees the band adding a sense of humour to the mix
and venturing into Stoner Metal territory as the riffs and vocals
become less violent and more approachable in tone and structure.
Hyperwülff start changing into cosmic space rockers for the rest of
the album as 4th track - Entering - sees the band adding atmospheric
noises with slow paced riffs. It's an unforgiving song that packs a
lot of emotions despite the short running time. The instrumental work
is highly impressive with waves of ambient/space rock riffs drifting
all around you.
leads upto the albums best track - 20 Pillar - an epic 8:19 minute
sonic musical odyssey which sees the band explore their cosmic
identity on a grander scale. It's a heavy affair with vocals drifting
in and out with Hyperwülff focusing more on the ambient noises and
doomy based riffs. It's a thrilling encounter that reminds me of
Ufomammut or Mastodon when they venture into Space Rock. This is the
real Hyperwülff in my eyes as it shows the world what they fully can
do once they're in full flight. The album becomes more of an exciting
experience as different sounds and emotions
draw you in.
albums remaining 3 tracks remain in the Space Rock world though with
harsher aspects of Sludge/Stoner Metal still appear to cause a more
fragile environment especially on Raging Hunter, another epic track
the band have created to test your nerves with. Final track - Several
Bones - is a direct Sludge/Stoner metal affair with the band
returning to their aggressive roots. Hyperwülff have come full
circle on the album by ending where they started at.
1: Erion Speaks is an impressive debut album from this highly
talented duo. If you want something epic on a grand scale then this
is the album for you. Hyperwülff are another superb band to check
out from the Italian Sludge/Stoner Metal scene. Excellent and Highly
to Hyperwülff and Taxi Driver Records for the promo. Volume 1: Erion
Speaks is now available to buy on CD/DD. Hopefully someone will pick
this up for a Vinyl Release as it's screaming out for it.
by Steve Howe
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