been 4 long years since today's guests released their last record -
Phantom Hell And Soar Angelic. Now they are back with their spooky
latest offering – Supersound.
their last album ventured into heavy riffing Space Rock. Supersound
takes a more cautious approach and blends 60s/70s Psychedelia with
elements of Occult Rock playing in the background
am talking to Italian Stoner/Psych/Prog/Sonic Riffsters – Void
Generator – who I have been a fan for a very long time now. I
recently reviewed their excellent new album and I said the following:
one of Italy’s finest purveyors of Fuzz are back in 2014 with their
new album – Supersound. An album that expertly delivers the goods
from start to finish. If you are a fan of fuzz based Stoner Rock
riffs then you cannot pass this album by.
you are looking for a spooky and creepy fuzz/stoner rock album that
will keep you entertained from start to finish then Supersound will
speak volumes to you.”
Generator have kindly agreed to talk to me. So lets see what this
great band has to say to us here at Sludgelord HQ.
– Hi guys. Thanks for doing this. How are things with you all
Steve, we’re all fine thanks, just enjoying our first strong sun

– Can you tell our readers a brief history on how the band started
and where it is today.
it was a long long time ago, it may be 1996, I (Gianmarco) was
looking for some musicians around Rome and I met Sonia (bass) by a
common friend. Sonia was the keyboardist at the beginning but we
played together with a friend of mine (Massimo/Pak) so we had a
double effects/noises/echoes section.
are used to play a mix of Kyuss and Motorpsycho just for fun, without
a specific target. Then we had a lot of drummers and we played up to
‘We Have Found The Space’ with my cousin Gabriele (Black
Rainbows) on bass and guitar. But it would take too long to show you
it all. Now we have Marco Cenci on drums, Enrico Cosimi on
keyboards/effects, Sonia on bass and me on guitar and vocals.
– How would you describe your sound as you pack a lot of different
noises into the mix.
only I can say that we like that because we are constantly trying to
get different nuances with a psychedelic core, so noises are the
common core of our music. So I’d say Panpsychedelic, if you don’t
mind...! lol
– How did you all become involved with music.
nice, it was December 1985, some friends were playing cards and
Black Dog was barking on the turntable. This is my story. The
principle of moments, as someone said years after.
– Your new album – Supersound – is finally being released soon.
It's been a long time coming. 4 years. Why the long wait. Not that I
am complaining of course.
we made ‘Collision ep’ and it was June 2011 (may be you don’t
know that Steve !!?) but I had some personal/ tragic problems in my
family and I was forced to gave up playing for almost 3 years. That’s
the truth.
– What is Supersound about. What is the concept behind it.
is an ‘old’ album and was conceived to play fuzzy but with and
ancient recording style. This because nowadays music is too often
‘shrinked’ into few decibel of dynamic and the listener looses
every details. Did you listen to the drum kick ?!
– Was it a hard or easy album to write and record for.
was the easiest to record so far. Four musicians, five instruments =
five half days to get it. It was a bit difficult to write because we
don’t like to do always the ‘same old song’ so we tried out
something to get the difference from a consolidated style. The result
is that more than one is realizing that just by listening even if the
songs are more common that they were in Phantom Hell.
– The album is very different to your last album. Where that one
was heavy progressive fuzz stoner space rock. Supersound is more
grounded as Psychedelic Occult rock based album. Was that your
intention to release something different from your last album.
it, we always will play something different from the previous album
and actually we have a couple of albums ready facing with a more
psychedelic/jammin’ edge, you’ll see.
– What influenced you when recording the album.
good mate, now you see..hehe...just the old style ! But with modern
devices !
– Which bands and artists influenced you as musicians. Any
particular band or album that stand out.
nice question...too many, but if you listen to my soloing you should
see something from Leslie West of Mountain. They are too many though,
I don’t even know where to get a start if I should do that.
– You're from the Italian Stoner Metal scene which seems to be
thriving at the moment. Too many good bands to mention doing their
own blend of Doom, Sludge and Stoner Metal. What are your own
thoughts of the Italian Stoner/Doom Metal scene. Is it popular over
I am not a baby and, I can assure, we were something like pioneers
here, so I saw all this scene growing on and on. Now it is much more
popular than 15 years ago, we have much more listeners, clubs,
labels and so on.
- Do you get loads of gigs in your hometown or do you have to travel
further afield to perform regularly.
we had/have to drive and play. Italy needs more culture of such
‘scene’ and so often the bands are forced to go to the north if
they want their work will be better appreciated, but I’ve told you,
today it’s better than some years ago.
– What is the song-writing process in the band. Is it down to one
individual or is it a group collective.
me and Sonia arrive with some ideas (sometimes we play just as a duo
to improve that) then we follow a sensation, a colour that is shaping
more and more in the time. The problem is that most of the times,
since more than one year, we don’t know what will be. So often we
play a sort of kraut styled jamming sets. Not this record, of course.
– Your new album is being released on Vinyl. How did you hook up
with Phonosphera Records. Must be pleased your new album is being
released on Vinyl.
am Phonosphera Records, so it was a must ! We are very pleased
– How big of a help has BandCamp and the Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal
community been in promoting your music.
can’t say, we have BandCamp that helps reviews and promoting but I
can’t say how much. I think live shows are still the best way to
promote yourself.
– What is your musical set-up when playing live or recording your
music. Any hints and tips would you like to give to the budding
musicians out there.
I am playing with a couple of old tube heads by great, light and
powerful handmade speakers. We are using high quality components that
help us for our sound. When you play live you don’t need so
powerful amplifiers, pay attention to frequency separation and
intelligibility and try to reproduce ‘your’ sound in the
basement. This will help you for sure.
Q17 –
We are massive Vinyl Heads here at Sludgelord. Are you vinyl fans
of course, I am a collector, Sonia and Enrico got many vinyls too,
only Marco is playing his drums night and day and he doesn’t have
the time to go and buy vinyls...

– What is your verdict on the whole crowd-funding scene. Where
bands ask fans to fund their next album. Are you a fan of that
platform. Would yourselves ever go down that route.
made a crowd-funding years ago and now we’re living on that so we
don’t need to pick or collecting our money any more, it’s just a
logical consequence of selling music and live shows. Fortunately we
don’t need to ask that our fans.
– Why did you choose the name Void Generator. Any particular reason
for this.
it was a mix of ideas, probably it comes from Mondo Generator (the
song) and something that I can’t remember.
– If you could give any advice to someone wanting to start a band.
What would it be.
get a focused idea of what you’d like to play, choose the right
musicians and go ahead. That’s all.
– The last thing before you go, Do you have anything else to say to
your fans.
to more music than you can, this is the secret. Ah...don’t smoke
too much at our concerts, it may be extremely dangerous !
guys, Thanks to talking to us here at Sludgelord HQ. All the best
with the album release.
to you, so much obliged. Ramble on !
is available to buy on CD now with a Vinyl Release due later this
year on PhonospheraRecords
Check the Band from Links Below
Check the Band from Links Below
Written by Steve Howe