Saturday 5 May 2012


Terminus cover art

SNAIL is a Hard Rock/Psych/Stoner Metal Ban from Porterville, California.

The members are:

Mark Johnson, Matt Lynch, Marty Dodson, Eric Clausen

Most of you should know who SNAIL is. They are a brilliant band who released an amazing comeback album "Blood" in 2009 to massive acclaim after a long hiatus.

This bio should tell you all you need to know about this great band:


Snail formed in 1992 consisting of singer Mark Johnson (The Crucified, PASTE, Blessing the Hogs), bassist Matt Lynch and drummer Marty Dodson. The eponymous first album (Big Deal Records), was well received by critics and garnered much praise in the press, as well as gaining a loyal following from peers like long time supporters Fu Manchu and Nebula.

After the follow-up release of the DIY, 4-track cassette-recorded EP “All Channels Are Open,” Snail sadly succumbed to the “sex, drugs, an Rock n Roll” lifestyle and eroded to the point of breaking up.


Snail reunited in 2008 after 15 years of slumber, added long-time friend and guitarist Eric Clausen, and unleashed “Blood” (Meteor City)—what many said was one of the Top Ten stoner/doom records of 2009. Not merely riff-rock, “Blood” combined fuzzy guitars and a pummeling rhythm section with layered, soaring melodies rarely heard in the genre. In a time of industry turmoil, the record went from blood-red to “in the black.” The record even attracted the attention of underground music legend Henry Rollins, getting multiple plays on his “Fanatics” radio show on influential Los Angeles station KCRW."

I have been a fan of SNAIL for a number of years and they are back with their best album to date - TERMINUS.

Terminus is a 10 song collection featuring some of the best psych/doom/stoner metal riffs of 2012. This album is getting a lot of praise from various blogs and websites and its not hard to see why.

It simply is a brilliant must have collection of standout tracks that any great Stoner Metal band would be proud to call their own.

These guys are like a more trippier psych version of ShrineBuilder. So if your into that great band then check out these awesome Stoner Metallers.

Their new album is available on BandCamp Pay Anything You Want Type Deal. So headover now and download your copy now. If your feeling generous then please make a small donation to this great band.

Believe me this album's free download status will be gone in no time.

The album is brilliantly produced and is one of the freshest sound album I have heard this year. All of the songs are brilliant examples of top-notch Stoner Metal that will have you coming back for more.

Especially tracks like "Recursion", "Matchbook" and "Burn the Flesh".

Fucking Awesome - Just download it now. You need this album in your life. It's seriously that great.

Highly Recommended.

Check This Brilliant Band Below:

Official - Buy Physical Copies Here

Check Out The Brilliant "Galaxies Lament" from their outstanding debut album.