Friday 10 January 2014

Opossum Holler - It Comes In Threes - EP Review

It Comes In Threes - EP cover art

Opossum Holler is a self proclaimed PROGAROCKABILLYMUSIC band from Bowling Green, KY, USA

The members are:

Lloyd Nicely - Guitar and Vocals
Brad Ausbrooks - Bass
Matt DeVore - Drums

I have to thank my good friend Mona for this tip for this next band to check out. Opossum Holler is a self proclaimed PROGAROCKABILLYMUSIC band. A band that fuses Prog Rock, Rock-a-billy and Metal music for something different indeed.

Their excellent new EP - It Comes In Threes - is just that. A hard rocking 3 track EP which is packed full of grooves and great riffs from a very original band indeed. It may sound like a weird combination but it to the bands credit they make it work in their favour.

First track - The White Witch Of Yellow Creek - is a fast paced Punk/Prog-Rock/Rock-a-billy track with superb sing-along lyrics to match. You can imagine singing along to this song with your friends in your local watering hole if it was on the jukebox. A great track to show you what these insane rockers can do.

Second track - Sawdust - is the EP's standout track. 6 mins of great hard-rocking music to boogie on down to. Spiky Punk based vocals matched against impressive slow paced riffs before the band unleash their anger around the 90 second mark. They play a riff that could of came from a Thrash/Speed Metal band as they play that fast. Impressive stuff.

Final Track - It Comes In Threes - stars off with a rock-a-billy vibe spliced with a Metallica style Thrash paced riff. Damn. You think the band are suffering from an identity crisis with the styles of music that they play. But you can't deny what a great tune this is. 7 minutes of great fucked-up in your face punk, hard rock, metal and rockabilly mayhem.

Yeah this EP is something special indeed. These guys had a debut album before this which flew under my radar but I will definitely be checking this out. As Opossum Holler fucking rule!!!

It Comes In Threes is available for Buy Now Download on BandCamp now. My advice - Headover their now and download it now. You won't be sorry.


Check The Band From Links Below