and I continue our Sludgelord/Paranoid Hitsophrenic joint Interviews with the 3rd
instalment and what an instalment we have planned for today.
get to speak to none other than Mos Generator/Stone Axe musical
legend – Tony Reed – who has gladly agreed to talk to both of us
at Sludgelord and Paranoid Hitsophrenic.
can read Part 1 on Paranoid blog here. So lets get started with Part 2 with one of my
favourite all-time musicians – Tony Reed.
- And just to continue along tour lines, is there anything developing
have limited time to be able to tour so we generally stay pretty
regional in the states and then use what touring time we have to go
- What has been your favourite album that you have ever recorded. As
a band member or one that you have produced?
most insane record I have ever done and the one that took the most
out of me is "The Late Great Planet Earth". Mos Generator's
second album. It's a 43 minute concept album with no breaks. All of
the songs had to written to tie together in musical feel and lyrical
theme. It's a very dark and dense album. It's much different from our
other albums.
a producer I would have to say Lille f-65 by Saint Vitus. That record
was a blast to make and it lifted my profile as a producer. I got and
still get a lot of work from that album.

- So Mudhoney played on top of the Space Needle. That’s pretty
cool. But what’s the tallest building in Port Orchard and do you
think anybody would let you play on top of it?
tallest building in Port Orchard is about three stories high. It's a
pretty sleepy town. We like it that way.
- Obviously you are known for a being a top musical producer as well.
You have produced for many great bands including some excellent bands
from the UK. How did you become involved with music production?
grew up in a very small town in Washington state and the the closest
studio was probably 3 hours away. As a teenager I wanted to make
demos of my band so I started experimenting with cassette players,
cheap microphones, and cheap P.A. mixers. After I started getting
good recordings for my band I started recording other bands around
town. Then in 1989 I got a four track recorder and went up from
there. I honed my craft on the worst equipment available. I think
that has played a major part on my recording style and my fondness
for making records in strange places.

- I understand you have quite the vinyl collection. Would you care
to tell me about the last three albums you got that blew your mind?
And is there a white whale record out there you’ve never been able
to track down?
last three that took me years to track down and I finally got were.
"The Outer Limits"
TWINS "Heaven or Las Vegas"
are three white whales.
SABBATH "Paranoid" quadraphonic LP.
"Broad Daylight / The worm" Island 7" single.
AXE (1971) "Snakebite / Slave of Fear" 7"
- If you only had one choice between being part of a band or musical
production as your musical career. What would you choose and the
reasons why?
in a band is my first choice without a doubt. Making music is a part
of my life that I could never give up.

- What did you think of the new Black Sabbath record?
think it was rushed and not enough thought was put into it. I also
don't like the rage against the machine drummer. The guy they have
been using on tour before and after the making of the album is
perfect for sabbath. He's the only drummer they have had since bill
that keeps that original sabbath feel.
- What are your views of the recent crowdfunding scene where bands
and artists ask their fans to invest their money in helping making
and releasing their newest album. And would you or Mos Generator ever
go down that route?
think that it's a fine idea. If we were ever to do it that we would
have it where you got something for your donation.

- You work with a lot of different bands and keep your fingers on the
pulse of what’s going on, wouldn’t you say? Who would you label
as the next generation of heavy, the bands that are going to charge
things forward into a bold new era? Or do those bands even exist
right now?
is something I would never dare to predict. I like what I like and I
really have no idea what is cool or what is going to be cool. I can
say that I am happy that heavy rock is getting a nice audience and
showing growth.
- You have worked with lot of great independent record labels over
your career. Ripple Music and Lay Bare Recordings being two of them.
What is the difference between working with a major label to an
independent label?
I have never worked with a major label but what I do like about
independent labels is that they are releasing music because they love
it, not because it's going to make them a lot of money. The owners of
many labels I have been on have become good friends and that's always
nice to have.
by Lucas and Steve
want to thank Tony Reed for taking the time out to talk to both of us
at Sludgelord and Paranoid Hitsophrenic. Was a real honor for both of
us to do this interview.
out Tony and his great bands from links below.