Monday 27 February 2012

All The Empires Of The World Are Back!!!

All The Empires Of The World are an Atmospheric Sludge/Ambient/Post-Metal Band from Nottingham UK

The members are:

Mark: Guitar
Damon: Guitar
Josh: Not Guitar

All The Empires Of The World are a brilliant hypnotic Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal band mixing Doom, Drone, Post-Rock and Ambient Rock to brilliant effect.

These guys have been on this blog before. And I included their brilliant 2011 album “Return” as one of my top records of 2011 which I still always rave on about.

The guys proved with “Return” they were indeed masters at mixing the loud heavy sludge/post-metal riffage with superb experimental ambient/post-rock passages.

Well they guys are back with probably their most challenging and most creative work to date – “Old Gods, Old Worlds, Old Wounds” which is available for free download from BandCamp.

This album is a 7 song 42 minute ride into a long-forgotten world that is held together by a huge wall of loud sludge/post-metal riffs mixed in with top-notch experimental ambient drone-based post-rock landscapes.

This album isn’t easily compared to their earlier albums which I instantly fell in love with. As this is the bands most experimental and creative work to date. It’s not exactly Sludge, Post-Metal or Post Rock but a superb mixture of many different genres.

“Old Gods, Old Worlds, Old Wounds” has been stripped back to spell-binding effect. People expecting a loud onslaught of Sludge/Post-Metal riffs might be slightly disappointed. To be fair I was as well especially compared to their last brilliant album – “Return”.

But the more I listened to this the more I began to appreciate this superb album. The band have created a truly haunting and astonishing piece of work that demands multiple listens to get the albums full effect.

The album is more of an odyssey than a collection of songs. Each song has a different story to tell and mostly a different vibe to each individual song.

The band expertly mix Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal with elements of Post-Rock/Drone/Ambient Music to great effect to give the listener an experience they won’t soon forget.

The opening track “Demon Rises” is a 4 minute sombre Post-Rock/Ambient driven affair that slowly builds at its own pace before the next lengthy track kicks in.

“The Lion” is a 10 minute epic which showcases familiar ATEOTW territory. Loud heavy distorted Sludge/Post Metal riffs with a great Droning atmosphere to it. Wait till the riffs kick off near the 5 minute mark.

These two songs tell you what to expect from the remainder of this amazing album. I am not going to spoil it anymore for the listener as I want you to discover this for yourselves.

The production is excellent and you can hear every note played to perfection. Equally both on the loud heavy Sludge/Post-Metal parts and the equally restrained Drone/Ambient/Post-Rock aspects of the album.

As stated before this is not an easy album to listen to. Some people might not give this the chance it truly deserves but if you do you will be rewarded with a brilliant album to listen to time and time again.

OK I might rate “Return” slightly higher but this is still quite frankly a brilliant and astonishing album to listen to.

“Old Gods, Old Worlds, Old Wounds” proves that All The Empires Of The World are probably the best Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal Band the UK has to offer at the moment.

Simply Amazing. You can download this brilliant album for Free Download From BandCamp Right Now. I urge you all to do this.

Highly Recommended!!! Check This Great Band Below:
