Does the next band need any introduction. They have been on this blog more times than any other band we have featured. OK – 4 times and have been stars of two of the free download compilations we recently put together.
Sludgelord Team Member – Heddbuzz – said it
best when he reviewed their new album – Betting On A Full Collapse
- on vinyl -
“This blog should have a banner or logo
somewhere that says, "Proud sponsors of Traitors Return To
Earth." I think the self-described doom dealers from Columbus,
Ohio have been featured a handful of times at the Sludgelord.
Obviously, we're huge fans and I know at least a couple of us bought
a vinyl copy of Betting On A Full Collapse.”
So Yeah Folks – I am featuring those shy self
proclaimed Doom Dealers – Traitors Return To Earth. They are very
much part of the Sludgelord family without ever submitting a review
or interview. But what do you expect with Sludgelord. We fucking love
them and we know you guys do too.
So here is another interview with my fave band I
have ever featured on the blog – TRAITORS RETURN TO EARTH. You can
read their previous interview here.
Q1: Hi guys. How's it going. Hope things are well. We haven't featured you on the blog for about a month now. Better change that now.
Yeah Thanks! Its great being back. It's always a pleasure when working with the Sludgelord!
Q2 – So your brilliant new album – Betting On A Full Collapse – is finally out. Bet you guys are pleased now it's finally unleashed upon to the world.
It feels great to have the music out there and the response has been really positive, so the whole experience has been a trip and super cool.

Q3 – It's getting some great reviews I see. Two from ourselves. (One from me. And one from Heddbuzz doing a Vinyl Review) -You guys happy with the responses so far.
The response has been astronomical, we can't believe the reactions we have been getting! We are just blown away by the reception! We just dig writing and recording music. The fact that people are into it is all icing on the cake. Over all the community’s reception has been amazing.
Q4 – You have released the album on every format imaginable. Well apart from Cassette. But Reel-To-Reel Tape. Whose idea was that....
We knew it was going to be on vinyl from the get go. We've done Cassettes before with smoke screen. Kevin and Justin are big into Vintage sound so another analog version was a no brainer on our end. We realize that a lot of people don't own reel to reel decks. But if you do, the reel to reel format can exceed the quality of vinyl. Ask any of the people who bought one. They sound killer.
Q5 – Whose idea was to come up with a comic book for the album. I loved it. Especially since I am in the Thank You Notes. Thanks for that guys. Really appreciate it.
No Problem, We all love reading Sludgelord and Steve, you're a great friend of the band. We're all kinda comic book nerds. Some more than others, and going with a concept album we wanted something to tie it together. We all wanted a comic book but it took on a whole new life when we got W. Ralph Walters to draw it. He took it much farther than any of us imagined. The quality of the actual comic is very nice, very slick. Ralph did such an amazing job. Honestly, the whole package is amazing. We all feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Ralph. He's a genius.

Q6 – I also love the design of the vinyl. Money Green Clear. Which I understand has now sold out. Congrats on that one. Who came up with that design.
One night a while back Kevin had a dream. A sexy one. In that dream, he was stroking off and when he blew his hot load, a green vinyl liquid gushed out of his cock all over his stomach.
While fishing around on the floor and eventually finding a dirty gym sock to mop up the whole affair, the pool of liquid vinyl turned into a pile of money. He was just dabbing away at this pile of money, trying to mop it up.
7- You were also lucky enough to release a Die Hard Edition Vinyl of 37 Records only on our good buds – STB Records. How did that come about. (Aaron, Heddbuzz and myself each managed to buy one on when it went on sale. Awesome package).
We got in contact with Steve at STB Records and it was a mutual distribution agreement. We saw that Steve was really gaining some traction with his label and he's big into DIY and we are as well. So it seemed like a perfect fit for us. It was networking on both ends.
Q8 – Did you have much input into this limited edition package. Or was it all done by Steve at STB Records.
We knew he wanted to make a STB Die hard package we did not know what exactly what that would entail. Steve took the die hard package and ran with the idea. We are very pleased with what he came up with. It seems like a the fans approved of the die hard package as well. Judging by how quickly STB ran out of them.
Q9 – Were you amazed by the response from people buying your vinyls from around the world as such.
Yes! We are all very humbled by so many orders to countries all over the world! We have had orders from everywhere to several miles away to Sweden, Belgium, Australia and even Japan.
Q10 – Now I understand Betting On A Full Collapse was recorded a while ago before it was released. Why the delay in releasing it. I remember hearing some rough demos in November 2012 and being blown away.
There was a lot that went into the album. From Recording to mixing to mastering, and then mastering it for Vinyl only. To making Reel to Reels. The album cover alone is very intense and then adding the comic book. There was a lot of people all working together. All the cogs had to be in the right place and all the pieces had to be together. When there's so much going on its not a overnight thing.
Q11 – You guys have gotten heavier since your excellent debut release – Smokescreen. What made you decided to go heavier than ever before. Did any other bands that influenced you while recording the album.
If we sound a lot heavier its because we're a lot angrier. That, and we blossomed as a band when we added Jordan on bass. He joined right as we began writing Betting and his contribution to the band has been substantial in many ways. We also sat down and really fine tuned our tone. Because we are always writing and pushing ourselves and our gear to new places, we tend to start swapping out cabs and amps or writing a certain way because of the gear we play. It is an adventure. We have very little if any preconception of how we should sound. We just do and it does.
Q12 – The last time I interviewed you I asked did you guys tour regularly. But you stated you only tour when you can. Is this still the case or are TRTE a lot more active on the gig circuit.
We all have full time Jobs. We do what we can when we can. We like to travel regionally to new towns as much as possible.
Q13 – Will you be touring more regularly now especially with a well received album such as Betting On A Full Collapse.
We love playing around regionally as much as our schedule will allow! Being able to meet new people and play our music for them is so killer. And really, more or less, everyone in the metal scene is pretty cool wherever you go. So yeah, we love moving around and playing. In fact, we wouldn't mind traveling to the Netherlands for the Stoner Super Bowl.
Q14 – This next question is from Heddbuzz - Would like to know about a follow-up and possible 2nd edition of comic. Also, any instrumental tunes on next release or possibly acoustic, psychedelic stuff? Or going for even heavier on the next one?
We've been hammering out some new stuff and its still sounds like us. Though we have been branching out a little trying some different things. But your not going to be hearing an acoustic guitar anytime soon.
Q15 - As I know your currently busy writing the new record. Damn you guys work fast. Can you tell us what to expect on the new record or when we should expect it.
Right now we are working on a 5 song EP and a 7" split. The EP will be called Plague of Nations. It is going to examine germ warfare on a global scale. But really, Plague of Nations is basically an excuse to play in a lower tuning at half the time signature for 12-20 minutes intervals at a time while focusing on just a few chords. The 7" song is called Skull Crusher and it's our fastest song yet. Also we do have some songs for the next full length and a working title but that's for another time

Q16 - What are your views of bands using websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to fund their new album releases. Some people and bands are for it. Some are not. Would you consider doing some thing like that yourselves.
We're not against it, but it's not for us.
Q17 – What are your favorite bands you are currently listening to. Any bands that myself or our readers should check out.
Currently in heavy rotation in no particular order: Conan, Beast in the Field, Brimstone Coven, Subrosa, Dopethrone, The Secret, Ozenza, Kadavar, Barn Owl, Eye Hate God, Saint Vitus … Just to name a few.
Q18 – Now I am too afraid of asking the next question. As you guys give me the best answer I ever received for an interview back in 2012. - Reverse Cowgirl. But fuck it. Different question but I know it will be the same type of result. - If you could provide words to wisdom for people wanting to start a band – What would they be.
Give it patience and time, let it be organic. Don't rush anything but that doesn't mean be lazy about it. Gotta be with people who will have fun and enjoy each others camaraderie. Laughter and music go together- it doesn't matter how heavy the music is.
Q19 – What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a band. Financial aspect being a part of band could be a major disadvantage.
You always need more amps.

Q20 – Finally, do you have anything to say to your fans. (Obviously Aaron, Heddbuzz and myself included).
Yes, THANK YOU!! Honestly, what is a music scene any way? A bunch of people coming together to celebrate music. In a scene no one person is more important or significant than another. That guy that gets some of our music and is headbanging alone in his bedroom to Traitors – he's the Fucking Hero!
Well guys thanks for your time. Always great featuring Traitors Return To Earth on here. Door is always open for you guys.
There you go folks. Another excellent interview from one of my fave ever bands - Traitors Return To Earth. If you haven't joined checked these guys out you're seriously missing out.
Check The Band From the Links Below