Saturday 21 April 2012


Legion Cover Art

BRONTIDE are a Stoner/Sludge/Metal Band from Perkasie, PA

The members are:

Tyler Ransford
Bryan Tur
Dan White

BRONTIDE are an excellent Sludge/Stoner Metal band influenced by bands like Sleep, Mastadon, Sabbath and The Sword but still blazing out their own identity in the realm of Sludge/Stoner Metal.

Their bio should tell all you need to know about this kick-ass brilliant Sludge/Stoner Metal Band.

"Formed in the spring of 2011, Brontide has been writing, playing and performing for all audiences across Pennsylvania who love nothing more than sludgey, heavy metal that makes the ground quake. Consisting of Tyler Ransford (guitar and vocals), Dan White (drums), and Bryan Tur (bass and vocals), they have drawn from all sources of the stoner rock genre to bring a unique blend of melodic savagery that reflects their own namesake. They released their first self titled EP in 2011, and released their second EP "Legion" only a year later. At only 19 years old, they're set on proving themselves in their own right, by bringing music louder, groovier and heavier than you could ever imagine."

I have listened to their two EP's - S/T and Legion. And I must say for a band so young they really do fucking nail it down big time. These guys are hugely talented and play some brilliant hard-hitting riffs.

Both EP's fucking rock big time. The riffs and vocals are superb. If your fans of the bands mentioned previously then your going to love this like I did.

A Single Night And Day Of Misfortune is a 10 minute epic of sublime riffage of the highest order and shows what this band does so well. Playing hard-hitting riffs and drumming to match. An absolute stormer of a song.

All I can say is that Brontide have proved with these two brilliant EP's that they are on the verge of greatness if they keep releasing brilliant tracks like this. They will be signed in no time.

Amazing Tunes from a great band. What is even more Brontide are giving their music away free on the links below. 

Brontide S/T - BandCamp/Mediafire

You have no excuse to see one of the best upcoming Stoner Metal Bands I have heard this year. So get downloading now.

Highly Recommended.

Check This Great Band Below: