Sunday 24 March 2013

Clutch - Earth Rocker (Album Review)



Album Type : Full Length
Date Released : 19/3/2013 
Label : Weathermaker Music
Earth Rocker, album tracklisting:
1) Earth Rocker 3:31
2) Crucial Velocity 4:00
3) Mr. Freedom 2:44
4) D.C. Sound Attack! 4:37
5) Unto The Breach 3:30
6) Gone Cold 4:21
7) The Face 4:22
8) Book, Saddle & Go 3:44
9) Cyborg Bette 3:14
10) Oh, Isabella 5:18
11) The Wolf Man Kindly Request... 5:02
Line up
Neil Fallon- Vocals/Guitar
Jean-Paul Gaster- Drums
Dan Maines- Bass
Tim Sult- Guitar
The new Clutch album. Whatever you might be expecting, this is better than that. “Earth Rocker” itself is the first  round; it will leave you battered and bruised from the relentless rhythm, vibe and energy. Clutch are BACK! Truthfully, there hasn't been a bad Clutch record. Yes, Strange Cousins From The West was a little... laid back, but it was still decent. From Beale Street To Oblivion was excellent in parts, Robot Hive/Exodus mostly superb. You have to go back to Blast Tyrant to find Clutch at their best throughout, though. Fortunately, Clutch have done that here- they have utilised producer Machine again and the results are stunning.
The record is so UP, so groove ridden that words are not adequate to describe it. “Crucial Velocity” follows the title track- the title is apt. “Mr Freedom” is just as good with some trademark Fallon lyrics. For me, “DC Sound Attack” really stands out- the groove is incredible, the pacing sublime, the whole band absolutely on fire. There is also a cowbell. Just saying, like.
Unto The Breach” keeps the energy up and the record is, unbelievably, nearly half over. “Gone Cold” takes the listener into more mellow territory- real album structuring is at work here. It's not just a  collection of songs, but an ebb and flow that takes you on an enjoyable road trip.
The Face” kicks off the next phase of the record nicely and is followed by two stormers: “Book, Saddle and Go” and “Cyborg Bette”. All relevant Clutch-isms are operating at full whack here; big hooks, big riffs, sermonising vocals... its all there, just how you want it to be. “Oh Isabella” and “The Wolf Man Kindly Requests...” close the album out very strongly. There is no filler here. There are no weak moments. There is nothing wasted. There is not a lyric, not a riff, not even a cymbal crash that is out of place.
If you ever had an interest in Clutch, rock, metal or just great music- buy this album.  Clutch are better musicians than most, but they are a much better band than just about everybody (there is a crucial difference). What an album it is. An early contender for album of the year, no question.

Words by : Richard Maw

Well, I couldn't agree more with Richard's review.  Stunning album and it will nestling into the top spot of many year end lists.  As always show your support to the band.  Buy the record directly from their store here or from just about everywhere now.  Hell buy two copies.