Sunday 31 March 2013


loneliness cover art

Derailed is an Instrumental/Post-Rock/Sludge Metal One Man Virtuoso from Augsburg, Germany

Derailed is the work on one highly talented individual - Dan Zambo. He normally produces some cool electronic/lo-fi/folk/experimental mystical based music on Bandcamp.

Now Dan has decided to venture into the darker realm of Sludge Metal and fusing Doom and Post-Rock to great effect.

Derailed first release is called Loneliness and it's an great release to check out. Loud, heavy and full of great riffs to check out. Some excellent Post-Rock landscapes lurking in the background before the loud and heavier Sludge Metal riffs take over.

If your a fan of Pelican, Mono and Russian Circles then your going to love it.  Headover to BandCamp and download this now as it's available on Pay Now Download.

Hopefully this will be the first of many releases from Dan's heavier alter ego.

Excellent and Highly Recommended.

Check Derailed from the following links.
