Saturday 22 June 2013

Zeppheroin is Back!!!

Howl cover art

Zeppheroin is a one man Noise/Punk/Rock/Hardcore Artist from London, UK.

Zeppheroin is the work of one twisted soul by the name of Tony. Who also happens to run the brilliant blog - Black Insect Laughter.

I originally featured this demented soul back in Sept 2012. Well Tony is back with his latest release - HOWL 3 songs totalling 18 fucked up minutes that only Tony can deliver.

His own description should tell you what to expect.

"Still drawing upon my holy scripture of hardcore aggression and noise rock discordance, I have slowly been drawn into the fetid depths of Riff worship - the slower the better.

Elements of Doom are now apparent but with my needles in-the-red recording technique still favouring slabs of distortion rather than clarity or production, it is still lo-fi and rough as fuck.

All Hail The Riff!

Yeah this release is probably Tony's loudest work to date. And possibly his finest in my humble opinion. It has a great DIY edge to standout from the crowd.

Plus it's very loud from start to finish. You want loud crunching guitars and vocals to match well this is the release for you.

It's available to download on BandCamp Buy Now Deal. So if you like what you hear headover to Tony's blog for more great articles within the underground scene.

Excellent work as always Tony. Keep it up dude.

Check Tony/Zeppheroin from links below:

Black Insect Laughter - Also check out Tony's cool blog as well. One of my faves at the moment.