Today's guests on
Sludgelord have been on the blog no less than 3 times before. Mainly
with 2 reviews and a previous interview that you can read here.
But now they are back
for an entirely new interview. A reward for me reviewing their
excellent début album that will be released next year. I may have to
review the album again as I was giving a promo copy to review. It had
no album cover or no album title.

impressed me with their amazing almost finished album. As I said the following about their upcoming new album:
"Slowjoint have delivered an excellent debut album that should win them
a few fans within the Sludge/Stoner Metal scene in 2014. The album is
the cure to those post-winter blues and Slowjoint are the Doctors of
Sludge advising you to take your medicine. It is an order you cannot
So let see what these crazy weed induced Sludge Rockers have to say to me when I interview them again..
You can read the first
interview here.
Q1 – Hi Guys. How's
things with you today. Thanks for doing this.
Q2 – So what has been
happening with you guys since I last interviewed you 6 months ago.
we played our first festival gig this summer. It was fucking awesome!
They treated us with beer and booze and the show went damn well! And of
course we've been working on the album. Mainly by scratching our ass
and coming up with weird song titles.

Q3 – Congrats on your
new almost finished album. As you know I loved it. I will dig it even
more when it's released. Mainly with album title and album cover. HA
HA. Can you tell our readers what to expect from it.
we're not the fastest dicks in the sauna, but we get things done. The
album is filled with fuzz and dirty noice. If you're into that you might
dig it. Don't expect any new side of the genre. This is simple weed
driven sludge as we like it.
Q4 – So what is the
album about. Any specific meaning or is it just a strong collection
of stunning brutal riffs.
It's the words and thoughts of a not working, working man. I
just scream angry stuff that pisses me off, and mix it up with some
humor and a little bit of weed. Not much. Just a little.. I don't really
think there is any special meaning in what we do. It's just fun doing
Q5 – Was it an easy
or hard album to record for.
studio was booked 4 months before we actually went there. I thought
that we had plenty of time, and I already had three or four songs ready
for it. All of a sudden, recording was close and I still needed to write
the rest of the songs. We got the last three songs down two days before
deadline. But I guess that's just how we work. We're not super
experienced studio musicians, so it was like letting three monkeys lose
in a box with some shitty instruments and hoping to catch the best take
before we ruined it. It went pretty well though. We had some trouble
here and there, mainly because we get weirdly nervous as soon as the
recording button is red. But that being said, we had a good time
recording it. And I think that Christian (CBStudios) did a really great
job, making the songs sound natural and raw.

Q6 – What influenced
you when writing the album. Any specific band, musician, time or
place help channel your creative process.
don't know what I'm doing man. I'm not sure I'm that creative after
all, haha. But i guess I'm influenced by a lot of different music, but
with sludge as the main priority.
Q7 – You have some
pretty cool song titles on the album which shows your great sense of
humor. Is humor a big aspect for your music. Though the music is
bleak and brutal at times.
humor is actually pretty bad dude. You're just wrongly miss led by our
stunning looks.. I think it's important to have a bit of humor in
everything you do. Life feeds you shit every now and then. It's your job
to spice it up, so it don't taste that bad..
Q8 – What is the
music scene currently like in Denmark. Are you getting more gigs or
have you been too busy recording the new album.
slowly gaining some interest in the band. It's not that we can play
anywhere we want, but we're doing alright. We're planning some shows
around Denmark in January, and we've been given the chance to do a warm
up gig for an old legendary danish metal band in April. We love playing
live so hopefully there's gonna be more of it!

Q9 – The new album is
coming out soon on Vinyl. How did that come about and who is
releasing it.
Yeah we cant wait to get it out there! The plan is to release it ourselves, unless someone else want's to pay for it.
Q10 - Any different
editions of the album such as different colours. Or is it being
released as a normal edition.
actually don't know yet. But I'm pretty sure that there's gonna be a
special edition on green casettes. The cover is being hand painted by an
old school mate, and we're pretty excited to see how it's gonna end up.
Q11 – Are you all
fans of the Vinyl Format. As it's seeing a surge in popularity within
the Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal Scene.
just presents music in a better way! I've been listening to vinyl for 3
years or so, and it's a dream come true to make one ourselves. Also the
cover art is much better represented in a bigger format. I think it's
because music has become so easy for everyone to listen to on the
internet. So when people actually buy a record they want that extra
thing to it. And vinyl really sounds better, looks better and even
smells better than a cd or an mp3 file.

Q12 – If there is
anything you could change within the Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal scene
what would it be.
love everything about it. So no, not really. I just hope that it stays
underground, even though it's getting more popular these days.
Q13 – What are your
views of the crowd funding scene currently going on with bands and
artists asking fans to fund their latest release or project. My own
view it's cool for upcoming bands and unsigned bands. But I saw a
crowd funding project for William “FUCKING” Shatner to fund some
watches he represents.
For Fucks Sake –
Captain “Fucking” Kirk is now getting in on the act. Isn't he a multi millionaire. OOPS – I digress.
Are you a fan of that and would Slowjoint ever go down that route.
don't think you'll see us asking for money that way. If you need money
for a record, do some shows, sell some shirts, albums or whatever.
Everything has it's time. But what the hell do I know? We've been lucky
to be able to do what we do. Somehow we always get by. Maybe it's
because we don't expect a lot of it. As I've said before, we're doing it
for the fun of it. It's the most natural way to us.
Q14 – Have you
received more coverage within the Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal community
since we last featured you on the blog. Though I have a feeling that
is going to change in the next 12 months for you.
I hope you're right! The more people get to know our music, the bigger
the chances are for us to get more shows. And that's what it's all
about. You sure did your job to get the word around. Much appreciated.
But we're not quite sure if you got the same album that we send you.
haha. Let's hope that people don't realize how bad our music really is.

Q15 – So when your
not making sweet violent riffs with Slowjoint. What is there to do in
Denmark to pass the time. How do you relax. Or what would you
recommend me to do if I ever visited your great country.
I live in the south of Denmark in the country. There's not much to do
here, so I play a lot of music. Right now I'm learning to play the banjo
and I already got my own little side project going, that I'm recording
on my old casette player. Some kind of depressed drunken blues. It
sounds terrible! Hopefully the casette player burns down, so nobody
never will have to listen to it. If you ever come to Denmark you should
catch us here in south Jutland and we'll have a beer and shoot some
slingshots. That's actually pretty fun and totally underrated. I once
shot two birds with a slingshot and some marbles. Not in one shot
though. Or wait. Let's say I shot two birds with one bullet, haha
Q16 – Do you have any
plans to tour overseas within the next couple of years. If so what
would be your ideal destination to play a gig at.
would like to tour outside of Denmark, whenever we figure out how to do
so. Festival gigs or small bar jobs. We like it all, as long as we get
to play really loud! And our very own Roskilde Festival would be a
fucking blast to play at. But that's just dreaming I guess.

Q17 – Finally, Do you
have anything to say to your fans.
Seriously, stop listening to that shit.. and grow a beard!
Well Slowjoint, thanks
for doing this interview. Been great catching up with you crazy dudes
once again. If you want another album review with the finished
article. You know where I am.
Sure thing Steve! We'll get back to you soon.
Thanks to the band for talking to me again. Always great chatting to this great band. These guys will be one of the main bands to look out for in 2014. Slowjoint are going places.
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