Sunday 10 November 2013

Bloodmoon - Voidbound - Album Review

Voidbound cover art

Bloodmoon is a Psych Sludge Metal Band from San Luis Obispo, California.

The members are:

Peter Tomis - Guitar/Vocals
Pat Mullholland - Bass
Jason Goldie - Drums/Vocals

Bloodmoon have been on this blog before back in 2012 when I featured their excellent debut record - Orenda.

Bloodmoon blend elements of Sludge, Post-Metal, Doom, Stoner Metal and Black Metal with heavy slabs of Psychedelic Metal which gives the band a highly distinctive sound of their own. Well Bloodmoon are back with their epic and brilliant new album - Voidbound.

Voidbound features 3 tracks running for 40 mins or so. Bloodmoon have upped their game since their last album. They have gone slightly more crazier and insane for this excellent release. The riffs are more epic and progressive than ever before. Bloodmoon will take you on a sonic journey full of despair and wonder all in one go.

First track - Voidbound - is an almost 18 minute journey into the depths of hell or possibly the darkest place known to man. Bloodmoon lay their hearts and souls for everyone to feel on this track. Peter's vocals have a demonic feel to them with Jason providing superb eerie support. But it's the instrumental work that draws you in which blends Sludge, Stoner, Doom, Black Metal and Post-Metal riffs with a dark twisted demonic psych vibe.

Imagine a more trippier and scarier version of Mastodon or even Neurosis for that matter. As Bloodmoon still sound like a band with their own original sound. So if you're into epic demonic based Sludge Metal riffs then Voidbound is going to speak volumes to you.

Look at the album cover. Not exactly a place you would go for your holidays would it. Unless you're on first name terms with Satan himself. Yeah the album is more doom and gloom but Bloodmoon do offer some signs of eternal light shining through amongst the darkness. Not much but when they do the riffs are less heavier and more of the blissful kind. Though the vocals always stay on the demonic side of life.

Bloodmoon carry on this style of bleak based riffs through out the album on the other two excellent tracks - Back World and The Singing Flame. The Singing Flame may be my favourite track off the album. OK it's the shortest running at a mere 8 mins but the band excel themselves here on this track. Thick, heavy pounding riffs crush your soul right from the start and makes for some serious head-banging. Some awesome Psych Sludge Metal riffs await you on this track.

The album sounds superb through out which isn't surprising when you have Greg Wilkinson mixing the album and Billy Anderson mastering it. So kudos to Bloodmoon on getting two legendary talents involved with the album.

Excellent and Highly Recommended.

You can buy Voidbound from BandCamp now on CD/DD/Cassette Tape.

Check The Band From Links Below.
