Wednesday 6 November 2013

Near Grey - The Herschel Central Peak - Review

Near Grey is an Instrumental Post-Metal Band from Montreal, Canada

The members are:

Marco – Drums
Mitch – Guitar
Nik - Bass
Kevin – Guitar / Synth

I originally featured these excellent Post-Metallers back in May 2013 when I featured their superb debut S/T EP. It won some acclaim within the Sludge Metal community for their style of haunting epic Post-Metal riffs.

Well the guys are back with their stunning debut full length record - The Herschel Central Peak. Nothing much has changed from their debut EP. The band still focus on epic sludge/post-metal riffs that Pelican and Russian Circles are masters at. So if you're fan of those two great bands you will no doubt love this album like I did.

The album is 40 minutes of hard-hitting Sludge/Post-Metal riffs mixed with soothing ambient Post-Rock vibes running through out. The 4 tracks run for about 9 to 10 mins each. Time for the band to build up a dream-like atmosphere before unleashing hell on earth with the louder and more destructive Post-Metal riffs.

First track - Sauropod - instantly draws you in with some of the albums finest riffs. It proves Near Grey know how to construct a multi-layered track that will speak volumes to the listener. It will put you in a state of euphoric bliss before ripping the ground from under you when the heavier sludgier metal riffs come screeching in.

The album has the perfect balance between light and dark moments that all great Post-Metal bands should provide. Near Grey might not bring anything new to the table but you can't deny the sheer creative talent the band have put into this release.

The Herschel Central Peak is a wonderful experience you will lose yourself in time and time again. I have had this album for a while now and it becomes better with each listen. You begin to notice different vibes and sounds you missed from previous listens. So I recommend you give this album a few spins before making your final decision on the album.

The album is a technically brilliant sounding album. Superbly recorded from start to finish. Though the drums could of done with a bit more volume on certain tracks. Other than that the album is a triumph from start to finish and one that Near Grey should be proud of.

Excellent and Highly Recommended.

Thanks to the band for sending me a promo copy to review. You can buy The Herschel Central Peak on BandCamp Now.

Check The Band From Links Below
