Solar Halos - S/T
Devouter Records (UK)
Released - 20th January 2014
John Crouch - Drums
Nora Rogers - Guitars/Vocals
Eddie Sanchez - Bass
1 - The Vast White Plains - 05:30
2 - Tunnels - 06:52
3 - Migration - 06:50
4 - Frost - 06:42
5 - Wilderness - 05:21
6 - Resonance - 08:15
Solar Halos - S/T - Album Review
Solar Halos' debut album is a thunderous march best enjoyed at loud volumes. The live sound of this record deserves a good set of speakers that will push the bass into your chest. This it not a record to be listened to quietly in the background.
The Vast White Plains starts off the record with thick, fuzzed out guitars and bass humming on top of rolling toms. The band lays down a groove that persists throughout the song, sweeping the listener along with them in the tide. Tunnels drives into a slow and hammering half-time feel. It begs the listener to experience it live, as the staggered, accented riff in the middle of the song demands some serious volume.
Nora Rogers' vocals blend with Eddie Sanchez's in a colorful way, riding on top of the thrum. This is best displayed in their song Wilderness, a slow burn that builds throughout the entire piece. The album ends with what Solar Halos does best, building up with patience, layering vocal melodies, and delivering crushing riffs in Resonance.
The band hails from Chapel Hill, NC, and if this record is any indication they will be punishing on stage. Recorded at Revival Music Recording Studios, the mix is very live and expressive, especially John Crouch's drumming. The cymbals sound beautiful, the toms deep, and all is very well balanced.
Their experience is evident throughout this record, as their ear for songwriting and sound demonstrate for-real chops. The tones are brooding and dark, but light and color shine through. This is a very polished debut album.
Written by Ben Bowman
This album is a truly stunning record. Thanks to Devouter Records for sending us a promo to review. Solar Halos S/T is available to buy from Devouter Records on CD/DD/Vinyl from Jan 20th 2014.
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