Electric Church is a One-Man Post-Rock/Ambient Rock/Drone/Instrumental Artist from Middlesbrough, North East Of England.
Electric Church is the work of one highly talented dude by the name of Will. Will lives near the same neck of the woods as my good self so I said I would check out his music. Well I am glad I did as Will is a superb musician blending Post-Rock, Ambient and Drone to superb effect.
He has just released his superb debut EP - Loomer for free download. It's a 2 song and 24 minute blast of amazing Ambient/Post-Rock Vibes.
The two tracks on show are both superbly written and have a lot of atmosphere to them which will absorb you from the word go. Especially the 16:14 minute epic "Snarling Breeze".
If you digged recent featured Solo Artist - Scott Holmes - then your going to love this. Will has managed to capture some truly wonderful Ambient/Post-Rock moments that will have you begging for more.
This is fucking epic stuff at times and Will is a hugely talented musician. Great work Will. I cant wait to hear any future releases you may have in store for in the future.
So get downloading this brilliant release now from BandCamp. You won't be sorry.
Highly Recommended!!!
Check Electric Church on BandCamp now.